Roxette are back

Finally confirmed: Roxette are back. Marie Fredriksson will perform with Per Gessle on his concert in Amsterdam on wednesday.

….“Tomorrow, at an official press conference in Belgium, they will announce that Marie has recovered from the illness that forced them to cancel their scheduled appearance in 2002. Seven years later,  Roxette will finally make good on that previous commitment and perform at this year’s series of Night of the Proms concerts to be held in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands later this year.”

Source: The Daily Roxette

If you want to check which other German fans go to the shows, join this topic at the German forum.


As Japeke found out and posted in the Run2Roxette Forum, Roxette will indeed be part of the Nokia Night of the Proms.
This is the way Japeke confirmed the news we already believed in since two weeks now:

If you go to, and then click on germany, netherlands or belgium (Antwerp), just click on program.
If you rightclick on a photo of a artist, you get a specific adress, like

Try what you get if you replace ‘sharondenadel2’ by ‘roxette’, so you get A picture of roxette in the folder of the artists which will perform in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn’t work for charleroi, france and Spain, but it does for Antwerp, Netherlands, and Germany. So I would say: START BUYING TICKETS Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Source: Run2Roxette Forum, thanks to Japeke!

What about NOTP?

According to Stephan Bodewig, the administrator of the Nokia Night of the Proms-fanpage on which we found the hidden source code information that Roxette is part of the 2009 proms, Per Gessle was seen with Dirk Hohmeyer, the promoter and organizer of the German Proms. They apparently met at the day of Per’s concert in Munich.
Here are the links for the tickets again:

Tickets for the German shows.
Tickets for the Belgian shows.
Tickets for the Dutch shows.

Bodewig still thinks that Per Gessle is doing the proms on his own as a solo artist and not with Marie as Roxette. But according to rumours that Marie will be in The Netherlands on wednesday (the day after the official NOTP press conference in Antwerpen) it’s most likely that it is indeed Roxette who will participate.

Roxette at “Night of the proms”?

As the German fansite Planet Roxette reported more than a week ago it’s possible that Roxette join the “Nokia Night of the Proms”, a tour including The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany with a big orchestra, as the top act. Hidden information in the source code of a NOTP-fanpage spreaded the rumour that Roxette would be the headliner of this year’s event after they had to cancel the show due to Marie’s illness in 2002.
The “wrong” source code disappeared after fans told the administrators about it. “The formerly hidden part in the source code wasn’t meant to be there and it’s just pure speculation. We don’t know the headliner of NOTP”, they explained to Planet Roxette. This explanation doesn’t really makes sense since they planned to do a competition about the possible artists first and wanted to give one information a day regarding all artists. The competition was cancelled due to “hysteria among some fan groups”. So the question is where they would have gotten their information from?

On May 5th all artists who join NOTP this year will be announced in a press conference in Antwerpen. The fact that Per Gessle is performing in Amsterdam only one night later and the rumour (spreaded by Clarence Öfwerman and Christoffer Lundquist) that the Amsterdam show is going to be a very special one let us think that both Per and Marie could attend not only the press conference in Antwerpen but also do – at least some – songs in Amsterdam together. And only a few hours ago some Belgian NOTP fans found out that the headliner of this year’s event has: “….sold more than 55 million albums and singles and had at least eight top-10-hits”. Unfortunately it’s not certain which country is meant concerning the top-10-hits, but Roxette indeed had eight songs that reached the top-10-spot in Germany.

Tickets for the German shows.
Tickets for the Belgian shows.
Tickets for the Dutch shows.

Source:, NOTP fanpage, Belgian NOTP blog