“BEST OF ROXETTE – OFFICIAL SONG BOOK” (previously known as “Best of Roxette”) is due for release next month by Swedish publishing company Gehrmans Musikförlag. Gehrmans Musikförlag wants to present this book during Gothenburg Book Fair (September 23rd-26th) and then to start distirbuting it a week later. Furthemore, the book got a new cover – designers used the backdrop picture from 2010 Roxette tour.

The book is designed as the 2010 remasters. You can see a sample page with “Fading like a flower” notes here. There will be 30 Roxette songs of which 11 were never published in this form before.

The book will cost around 300-400 SEK in Sweden and will include many Roxette pictures as well as new liner notes from Per Gessle.

You can order the new version of this song book on Gehrmans’ website –

Source: Gehrmans Musikförlag

Mystery of new music books

As we previously informed, “Best of Roxette” will be published by Swedish publishing company Gehrmans Musikförlag. The premiere was postponed two times – first time from March 22nd till June 1st and now the official release date is September 1st 2010 according to and

Suprisingly, on both sites mentioned above two more Gessle/Roxette music books are in stock – both released on May 31st by Books, LLC. The books are said to be in English. There is no cover pictures or any informations except the very long title where few songs’ titles are included (e.g. It must have been love, Listen to your heart, The look, Joyride, How do you do, The centre of the heart). gives more details – they claim that Gessle-book has 324 pages (!) and its dimensions are 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm while Roxette’s book has 126 pages and it dimensions are 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.7 cm.

Is it meant to be the international version of Swedish “Best of Roxette”?
Does anyone know more about these publication?
Or better: is there someone out there who purchased them?

“Best of Roxette” officially delayed

As we informed previously, a new song book “Best of Roxette” was planned to be released on March 22nd. Unfortunately, something went wrong – there will be 2 months delay and we can expect “Best of Roxette” to appear on the shelves on June 1st. It is still unclear if it is going to be released outside Sweden. Gehrmans Musikforlag, the publishing company, claims it will be available everywhere expect US/Canada, but time will tell if it is true.

The book will cost around 300 SEK in Sweden and it will include many Roxette pictures as well as new liner notes from Per Gessle.


The preliminary cover of “Best of Roxette” songbook.

In the Gehrmans Musikförlag catalogue 2009-2010 the preliminary cover of “Best of Roxette” was published with the release date in the autumn/winter 2009. As you may remember, according to several Swedish websites, the book will be released on March 21st. English words on the cover may suggest that the whole book (with Per Gessle’s comments) will be written in this language. On the other hand, there was also informations that the songbook would be in Swedish.

Source: Gehrmans Musikförlag catalogue