Two days have passed and still the feeling of the Party Crasher tour is there. None of all Rox and related tours I have joined can compare with this one. It was special for several reasons. It was special because it was a club tour. I guess none of the concerts outside Sweden was sold out and that made it even more special. It felt like that really those people and fans who really cared joined and crashed the party. Fans who waited for this possibility for years and who didn’t care if it was sold out or not. I always dreamed of seeing Roxette live in a club. Now at least half of the dream came true. And it feels like even Per and the band enjoyed this little tour that left us so delighted and longing for more. As Per wrote on Twitter it finally makes sense. It’s about the music, getting people together who share a passion, having fun together from the first to the last minute.
This tour was special because people finally got over some resentments. Differences between the fans of all the different countries didn’t matter in most of the cases. Ok, here and there reports of pushy Germans or pushy Spaniards popped up but nearly everywhere people finally talked to each other, with each other and even shared an evening together in Stockholm after the first gig at the Cirkus. Finally we can have fun together, just as it needs to be. Small venues, all the die-hard fans – yeah, we finally see what really matters. I hope we can preserve this feeling until NOTP. It was so nice to get to know other fans from other countries and it’s so important to talk TO each other not just ABOUT each other. Keep that, guys!
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