Disappointing NOTP radio broadcasts in Germany

Looking forward to the radio broadcasts of the NOTP shows of several German radio stations I listened to Bayern 3, WDR 2 and SWR 1 so far. After having spent three nights in front of the PC listening to the programmes the result is just disappointing:

Only Bayern 3 was able to bring us a “new” recording with “Wish I could fly” and “Joyride” from Munich. On some special they even played “It must have been love” AND interviewed Christoffer Lundquist and Clarence Öfwerman and played “The Look” from Munich, too. Unfortunately, the only thing that annoyed me on this show was the host who talked about Marie as a woman with silver hair. He reacted to emails very quick and admitted that he used some stuff from the CD and recordings from Antwerp/Rotterdam as well. But in the end – this was the best radio special about NOTP in Germany so far.

The next to come was the special on WDR2. They even splitted the NOTP broadcast in two parts on two nights, so I thought we were supposed to get some new stuff. In the end, they played “The Look” and “Listen to your heart” from of the official NOTP CD and “Joyride”, which most probably came from Rotterdam or Munich and was nothing new to us. The host said that Marie looks “static” on stage and that she hasn’t fully recovered yet – well, there is nothing MORE to recover for her. She will stay like that – I think. Of course, we all would be happy if it wasn’t, who knows. In fact the host thought she isn’t in the best of health and said it. In the end – no new recordings here, too.

SWR1 played “Wish I could fly” – which would have been nice to know, because they didn’t play it in the official NOTP hours but BEFORE the show started. Well, in the end there is nothing to be angry about because they also didn’t offer anything new but played the already known version from Munich. When the show started I was happy because they played live stuff which wasn’t on the CD, but now I think it also was the Munich stuff. Looking forward to Roxette the next disapppointment came immediately. Again: No new version of “The Look” and “It must have been love”, but another time from the CD.
Compared to what the Belgium and Dutch channels offered so far this is just really disappointing. But in the end the Belgian/Dutch shows were better as well. So it fits..

Looking to the future… the far away future… well, there will be a TV show about this year’s Proms on Deluxe Music around EASTER. A bit late, eller hur?

Full list:

The Look, Interview, It must have been love, Wish I could fly (from Munich)
Listen to your heart and The Look (from CD)
Joyride (from wherever..)
Thumbs up to Bayern 3, a big Boooh to WDR2 and SWR1 (although the SWR1 host was much nicer and seemed to know all the relevant facts about Marie)

NOTP broadcasting on television and radio soon!

Make sure you catch one of the broadcastings of this year’s Night Of The Proms with Roxette! Here are the known dates so far. Please feel free to complete if you know more!


TV: 21.12.09, 19:25 – AVRO, Nederland 2


Sunday, 13.12.2009, 16:00-20:00 – BAYERN 3 “Greatest Hits“ (Special „15 Jahre Proms” but incl. songs from this edition)
Monday, 14.12.2009, 22:00-24:00 – BAYERN 3 “Nightlife“
Thursday, 24.12.2009 and Friday, 25.12.2009, 23:00 – WDR 2
Saturday, 26.12.2009, 22:30–24:00 – SWR 1 “Kopfhörer” (Highlights of NOTP 2009)
Date unknown – HR 3
Date unknown – NDR 2

TV: Around Easter – Deluxe Music

Update, 27.12.2009:

The TV dates for Belgium got changed:
Part 1: 27.12.2009, 0:00-0:50 – EEN
Part 2: 03.01.2010, 23:10-0:00 – EEN

All times are CET. To be updated…

Source: NOTP Fanpage | Project_Z

Roxette on the radio – Portugal 1999.

It’s 10 years now that Roxette were in Portugal, both to promote “Have A Nice Day” and film the video for “Anyone”. On April 11, they performed on the “Globos de Ouro” gala (kind of the Portuguese domestic version of the “Golden Globes” awards), broadcast live on TV; on the 12, they did a press conference in Lisbon, plus also a radio interview for RFM (one of, if not the biggest national radio station here); and from 13-15, they made the video for “Anyone”.

Some days later, RFM had a Roxette special day (can’t quite recall it, whether it was the following Thursday that week, or Thursday the following week… it was on a Thursday for sure, though) during which they aired excerpts of the interview with Per and Marie.

Also some time later, sometime around May following the release of the single “Anyone”, Rádio Placard (by then one of the most popular regional radio stations from Porto, Portugal’s second city) aired excerpts of the press conference by Roxette in Lisbon.

Certainly this ain’t no new stuff, but anyways, as I just had a chance to transfer these few radio bits from my old cassette to the computer, so I thought I’d share it. I mean, quality ain’t even thaaat good (the radio on which I made these recordings then wasn’t either), but still. Enjoy!


Contents as follows:

Excerpts of the RFM interview on 12.04.1999 aired a few days later during Roxette special day.
Excerpts of the press conference in Lisbon on 12.04.1999 aired later in May by Rádio Placard during 3 days on their night program “Love Songs”.
Advertisement of “Have A Nice Day” made for RFM (aired on 13.04.1999).
ID made for the programme “Top Capital” on Rádio Capital (aired some Saturday in April 1999).
ID made for the programme “World Chart Show” which by then was broadcast in Portugal by RFM (aired somewhere in 1999).

Written by: sweepi @ R2R