What’s up with the tickets to Roxette’s concert in Prague?

Czech fans are extremely looking forward to their tour date in 2011. But, so far,  have failed to get hold of tickets for the show.

There is only one seller who has the exclusive rights to sell tickets, which is at the same time the owner of O2 Arena, a company named Sazka. Tickets can be bought on:  http://sazkaticket.cz/TicketEN/default.aspx

Unfortunately, the ticket sale has not started yet and nobody knows why. Some fans contacted Sazka and Live Nation a few times to find out where the problem is.  Sazka replied that they don’t have any idea when the tickets will be available. Live Nation, on the other hand, communicated about a month ago via the Facebook LiveNation CZ page: “During the course of this week we should get a confirmation on the exact date of start of advance sales. Subsequently, we will inform the public – and through media, web pages and Facebook. Of course, thank you for your understanding.” To the date, nothing has happened yet.

Another problem might be purchasing tickets from abroad, more info can be found here: http://www.sazkaticket.cz/TicketEN/docDetail.aspx?nid=10368&docid=19080724

As stated on the website:

Orders of tickets from abroad please email to info@sazkaticket.cz and specify:

  • event name and date,
  • number of tickets and price category (preferred sector if need be; please check out tickets availability on-line first clicking on „Tickets“),
  • your name, surname and delivery address.

When your order is fulfilled, usually until the next working day, you will be e-mailed back with confirmation and terms of payment. Payment of your reservation would be made via banking transfer, payment has to ordered in czech korunas (CZK) and all the bank charges has to be paid (code “OUR”). Tickets would be sent to your address then by post in a registered letter (expedition fee: within Europe 260 CZK, overseas 450 CZK).

  • Tickets can be ordered from abroad 30 days prior to the event at the latest.

Only the very expensive World Ticket Shop (a secondary ticket agent) already offers tickets to Prague show in the O2 Arena. But after a phone verification, we realised that the tickets will be actually sold only via Sazkaticket.cz, and that World Ticket Shop seems to only be adding up buyers to a list, to then purchase tickets from Sazka and pass them on to their customers.

Capacity of O2 arena is 18,000 seats and due to poor access to tickets, we are afraid that the arena won’t be filled as we would wish.

If you know anything about the Czech ticket sale let us know.

Thanks to Lucy for letting us.

UPDATE, 2.12 pm: Petra Osifova lets us know that it seems tickets will be on sale soon: http://www.sazkaticket.cz/Ticket/eventDetail.aspx?docid=19093589