Press writing about the Amsterdam surprise

Especially Swedish press published some nice articles about last night’s big surprise in Amsterdam. Some excerpts:

Per about Marie’s reaction afterwards: “She was completely overwhelmed by the response we got. The audience had a big smile on their faces and the whole room had goosebumps”.
There’s also rumours about another performance by Marie in Stockholm, but it’s not decided yet. Join here, if you want to get Marie to conquer the stage in Stockholm!

Furthermore, as we learned before, Marie and Per are going to record new songs in autumn (take your time guys, we want GOOD songs, please no more OW if possible) but it’s not sure how and when they are going to be released.

German radio station HR3 reports from the NOTP press conference.

Impressions she got:

– The HR3 reporter was the first to interview Roxette after the announcement, to warm them up for two following TV interviews.
– Marie looked beautiful but at the same time you can tell she was seriously ill. She needs a bit of help for stairs etc.
– She often leaned on Per for comfort, was rather silent but radiated happiness.
– The most moving interview the reporter ever did.
– Per promised new songs, joked to write them in the waiting times on tour.
– Roxette will play five songs at NOTP.
– Marie is glad to make a slow way back to the stage this way.

You can listen to this report (in german) at the station’s website: HR3