First Review Of ‘Leaked’ She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio) Get’s Thumbs Up!

The Website ‘Pop In Stereo’ is possibly the first to review the new Roxette single after it’s leak on the internet yesterday. The single has received both positive and negative comments from fans around the world, but it predominantly seems all positive and fans seem in high spirits that Roxette are back again!

The review of the single which was published on their website yesterday on New Year’s Eve, talks about the new album ‘Charm School’ and where the album has been recorded and who is behind the production of the album as well as giving the release date.

As for the single, it gets a big thumbs up from the reviewer in which they describe soaring vocal melodies and say it is what you would expect to hear from a band that created some of the biggest hits of the 80s and 90s. They also say if the single is promoted properly, ‘She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)’ could be poised to acquiring Roxette a whole new audience of music fans.

To protect the policies of the Roxette Blog I am unable to link to the site, but feel this is most certainly a newsworthy article as the website Pop In Stereo attracts a lot of visitors!

“Gessle over Europe” reviews

Signed copy of "Gessle over Europe"Two reviews of “Gessle over Europe” CD+DVD set appeared in the Swedish press – the first one comes from Göteborgsposten and the author, Johan Lindqvist, gives the album 3 out of 5 and says that “Party crasher tour” got only press when Marie Fredriksson came in picture.

Another review was published in Upsala Nya Tidning and GOE got 4/5. Per Gessle was compared by the journalist, Ulf Gustavsson, to the cat with nine lives – his Swedish or English solo career, Gyllene Tider, Roxette or Son of a Plumber. Anyway – the review is really positive.

And tonight, the very first look at the DVD – stay tuned!