We were able to talk about positive sides of the “It all begins where it ends” documentary. As there is no real negative ones :-), we have decided to put the question differently – is there anything you miss in the show? If you had one wish, what would you change in the documentary? More interviews from band members, more soundcheck shots. Are there any tour mysteries that still remain unfold? As Favela production team has over 800h+ of materials, so they are surely able to answer many of our needs… Let’s see what our Facebook fans wrote:
Thomas Lawrie-Clark
Would love to see some more Marie studio footage / sound checks. Wonder if anything was rehearsed and not performed?
Ricardo Acosta Hernandez
Maybe some other music celebrities could have given their opinions about Roxette’s past and come-back, such as Abba, Loreen, Ace of Base, Europe…
Anderson Trevisan
More studio images, less live shows, no 7twenty7, even being a good song, more references to Travelling Album, less fans interviews… and the best of Argentinian fans is their energy during the shows, but it was not explored enough.
Patrícia Peres
If I have to state something I miss, it is at least some words from Helena and Dea, as they also had a very important role in this miraculous tour. As Per said, hopefully there will be more of them, too on the DVD. Crew worked hard during the whole tour, so it would be great to see more of their work, too. Some more scenes with how the guitars are prepared for the show or how the lights are up and the stage is built. I mean not showing these for long minutes, but a bit more. One more thing has just come into my mind: there are many Mikael B. parts, which I like a lot and it is totally understandable why he appears in the docu. What about Åsa? Will she appear and talk in the DVD version?
Fabio Deluca
I miss a few words from Helena or Dea, don’t know why they were not interviewed at all. Or from people who collaborated with Roxette in the past (Isacsson, Benckert, Suurna, Corbijn, Åkerlund, Kjell Andersson) talking about their experience and memories. Something more focused in the group and less in the fans. Fans stories are ok, but they tend to repeat the same words again and again.
Cristian Solera
I’d like a little more about the recording of the albums, and more diversity of fans stories (different countries for example).
Chrissie Roehrs
Åsa..yes..where was she? And a short clip how all these logistics are working would have been nice as well. I think on the Mazarin DVD there was a fast motion how the stage got built. That was cool. Well..all in all I think we have to see this documentary as a short summary for the TV stations. I am really really looking forward for the extended version.
Olya Khmarenko
It would be better to make cut from more countries, to avoid those “holy wars” between fans, who were not mentioned, that we experienced some days ago. And also it would be nice to mention in what way the band can have influence on organizers of concert, who negotiate on which stage concert will take place and where fan-zone will be located. Because in Kiev we had sitting parter (ANNOYING!!) and veeery uncomfortable fanzone, and band also told that it was awful. So couldn’t they make it strict condition for organizers? How it all works?
Myriam Roxana Garcia
I expect on the “extras” in the DVD each performance of local songs, which would be a really nice gift to everyone that attended to a concert.
Heidi Janse Van Rensburg
Yes, I agree with the Roxers above, input from Dea & Helena would be nice. I do like the fans contribution to this doc but it should not overpower the whole idea of this documentary. I think that the producers of this documentary stopped filming after the South America 2012 leg of the tour (?) which means that a lot of great film opportunities were lost. I still enjoy watching Really Roxette – now I wish to see stuff we never see on the PG cams – what makes ’em tick?
Miedy Bishop
More recording session, Would love to see they focus at least on one song, like they did in “Making of Joyride” with Big Love, where we get to see the process from the rehearsal, recording, mixing, etc. Or behind the scene of “The making of It’s Possible”, like they did with “Fading Like a Flower”.
Kathie Winn
Hmmm tough question… well firstly I will say that my heart is full of gratitude for what we have!! My family sat in complete silence as we watched this, and that is a rare event!!!…..What I think would have looked pretty cool is ‘Around the World in 5 minutes’ a shot of a landmark from each country visited, each shot staying on screen for maybe 3 seconds, that wouldn’t take up too much time and would be interesting I think. Having said that I adore this documentary
Sandra Knospe
I agree on the parts with Dea and Helena. I think all band members should have a part in the docu where they can show their feelings regarding the whole thing. They are missing in the tv cut but I am positive that it will be different in the DVD-version. Åsa appearing with some comments would be nice, too. As for the rest. I love it and am curious what else will be included. Personally I wished they could show scenes of every country they were playing in. NOT to please the fans living there but TO SHOW HOW HUGE this whole tour really was. Maybe a little summary at the end with a correct list of all concert dates/cities/countries running through the picture and highlighted with scenes from everywhere would do it.
Valeria Zvarova
I miss the huge European part nice to show the whole world but why not Europe also? I felt it was like a huge rush too fast to realise what was going on.. My most fav The really Roxette is much slower and shows so much more… And maybe they could say more about MF and how great she is to manage all of that… Well just some of my opinion..
For me:
– comments from Åsa and Helena
– some more parts like Marie singing in her room, what they do when they are not backstage or on stage
– as some of you say, more parts of the world (like the bits of Australia or South Africa) to show the world where they have been, how huge the tour was *proud*, ie US, Canada.
Cathérine Frei
I have always wondered if they meet the support acts before the concerts and if these bands and Rox are interested in each other and maybe talk a bit or if this is neither wanted nor fitting into the schedule. I would love to hear one day what they think of a certain support act and of course vice versa and hear any stories about this aspect. What I have said/asked goes also for festivals, when they play with other artists. It’s just something I have always asked myself but never heard anything about it.
There’s a mistake. A scene from a fan meeting in Argentina (it’s around minute 25 on the tv version), it says “Mar del Plata” and it’s actually “Rosario”.
Would be great so see more from flights and buses while they’re travelling.
Oooh, I’ve made an RoxBlog article…. Fame at last! 🙂
Happy New Year everyone.
Best wishes,
Much agree with Patricia and Chrissie, I would have liked to see some logistics as well. I’m still amazed that after finishing the Bodö gig at midnight, all (gear, staff, setup) was ready in Alesund 15 hours later when the gates opened. With 700km of Norwegian coastline, breakdown and setup in between, I find that quite an achievement. The work (and loooong hours) the crew do are amazing.
And indeed, Helena and/or Dea.