Gyllene Tider to release a live DVD in July

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Gyllene Tider DVD “Dags att tänka på konserten” cover

Warner Music announced today the release of Gyllene Tider’s live DVD, “Dags att tänka på konserten”

The DVD will contain 24 songs from last year’s tour and some specials: the TV4 documentary, exclusive backstage scenes and three videos to songs out of “Dags att tänka på refrängen”. The DVD will hit the stores on July 23rd.

The press release includes a thank-you note from the band: “GT would like to thank our wonderful fans who once again kept this little Halmstad band alive. Without you nothing would be possible. See you again!” (hopefully soon!!).

If you want to recall which songs GT played during the tour, check our concert reviews here.


Update June 28:

Here is the content of the DVD:
01. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej
02. Juni, juli, augusti
03. Det hjärta som brinner
04. På jakt efter liv
05. (Dansar inte lika bra som) sjömän
06. Man blir yr
07. Marie i växeln
08. Min tjej och jag
09. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
10. Tuffa tider (för en drömmare)
11. Kung av sand
12. Flickorna på TV2
13. (Hon vill ha) Puls
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
17. Tylö Sun
18. Billy
19. Det är över nu
20. När vi två blir en
21. Gå & fiska
22. Sommartider
23. Dags att tänka på refrängen
24. När alla vännerna gått hem

Documentary: Gyllene Tider sommaren 2013
01. Man blir yr
02. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej
03. Allt jag lärt mej om livet (har jag lärt mej av Vera)

Roxette have no plans to release full live show on DVD/BD

According to various sources Roxette decided not to release a full live show on DVD/Blu-ray Disc. Despite previous announcements about filming in Barcelona, Oberursel, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, now we know those plans do not exist any longer. Instead of releasing the concert, the band is working on a documentary where they can potentially ‘squeeze’ several live songs inbetween. Something in the style of Gyllene Tider’s “Återtåget” documentary? We assume so. The documentary will have two versions: a longer one that is aimed to be released for sale and a shorter one for Swedish channel TV4.

The crew has visited Roxette so far in e.g. South Africa, China and now they came to South America to film the Argentinian and Brazilian hypes.

Our comment: We feel disappointed with a such decision. So far the only Roxette concert available in HQ is “MTV Unplugged”. No other show was released in any of contemporary formats (we exclude CD discs). This situation reminds us of the lost opportunity to film the “Room Service Tour”. We don’t want this to happen again. Please, Per & Marie, EMI Music & Live Nation staff, reconsider your decision!

Update: And here we got comment from Per Gessle himself.

Personally I think this is a brilliant idea. You get a shorter version for TV + a longer version for the DVD market. The long one will have at least 60-70 min live stuff. It’s splendido to mix up live performances w/ funny stuff from backstage + studio + hotels + airports + private areas. Otherwise you’ll fall asleep. But that’s me.

Roxette to record the Barcelona show for a live DVD

Per Gessle announced yesterday that Roxette’s concert in Barcelona on November 19th will be recorded for a live DVD. Here is what Per wrote on Roxette Official Facebook page:
It was just decided that the Barcelona show will be recorded for a glorious DVD-release down the road. Bring your banners!!!
The concert was sold-out by end of August and last week it was announced that the concert had been moved to a bigger venue, Palau Sant Jordi.

Additional tickets are on sale on these websites:  | | and El Corte Ingles.

The Spanish Fanclub is also organising a party after the concert.
Palau Sant Jordi, DVD, party.. no excuse to miss this concert! It’s going to be a night to remember!