Gessle’s plectrums for 2010 tour?

Thanks to Sandra Knospe for the information. And here is the official comment from Per Gessle:

Howdy, yes these were made for the upcoming shows. However, I didn’t like the colour so I gave them to blue Christoffer. Naturally, he loved them! So he uses them, not me! Mine looks the same but are a/white with black logo b/black with white logo.

Source:, Facebook

Let the trade begin..

One of our rare blog posts is coming up now! That’s the good thing when you call it a blog – you’re not forced to publish only news but can leave a note once in a while.

So – the tour has started last week and as we all know Per took along a bunch of guitar picks in every color you can imagine. For me – the special thing about these picks is that you have to catch them when he throws them at the show. Either you’re lucky or you’re not. It’s been like that ever since and for some fans it was a game, others started it as a competition.

I however liked the idea that he sold his Party Crasher-tour picks at Hotel Tylösand. Just to make sure that those who waited to catch a pick for such a long time finally had the chance to get at least one from this tour. As far as I remember the price was around 2 Euro each? Ok – I never would have bought them anyway, for me it’s a game: either I get one on a show or I don’t. But it’s easy for me to keep it that way since I am much more of a Marie Fredriksson fan. So if she started to throw -whatever- I’d be a competitor in a second, too!

Nevertheless, the trade with the NOTP picks already began. The tour started a week ago and Per’s picks can already be bought on eBay. A friend just sent me a mail telling me that somebody offered her NOTP picks for 12 Euro each. I couldn’t believe it and I still don’t. I mean: it’s a guitar pick. Ok, you guys (seller) want to earn some money with it – I get it. But can’t you try with other stuff like CDs or posters or shirts? For me, these picks have a highly intanguable value and it should remain like that. But maybe I am too old-fashioned when it comes to catching guitar picks!

And no – no harm intended for those who buy them for such a price. I just wanted to point out the original idea about Per Gessle throwing guitar picks! At least what it is for me! BTW: If I find my Gyllene Tider-plec from 2004 I’ll give it away to the first person who comments on this thread – can take a while to find it, though.

If you feel like you want to buy a guitar pick, click here.