Gyllene Tider’s Parkliv today

SVT1 broadcasted a 55-minute-long Gyllene Tider nostalgia trip at 22:00 CET on 6th June. The documentary – Gyllene Tider’s Parkliv today – was teased as you can watch Parkliv (1981) ”together” with the guys and it indeed felt like watching the old docu together with them. They were sitting in a studio and while they were chatting with each other and with Annika Jankell, Parkliv was on in the background. They were watching it on a screen in the studio and it also appeared in the corner of the TV to make it possible for all viewers watching it at the same time. Unfortunately, the documentary is only available in Sweden. Click here for watching it.




The whole docu is very cosy. Everyone is chatting, drinking water or wine, eating crackers and laughing a lot. The guys are joking with each other about how they looked like back in 1981, how Per was singing, how Micke Syd was playing the drums, etc. They are humming some tunes and playing air guitar and air drums while watching Parkliv. The make-up girl comes in every now and then and is adjusting make-ups (not only Per’s).




The guys are telling anecdotes like the story of Per saying the phone number of Micke Syd’s mother’s hair salon in Parkliv (where there is a long beep), but girls read Per’s lips, so they were calling the saloon all the time and drove Micke Syd’s mother crazy with that.

Looking at the 1981 crowd Micke Syd is inviting you, guys and girls, who can see yourselves in Parkliv to post them a photo on Gyllene Tider’s Facebook site.

Annika is also trying to make a comparison between the girls falling for Gyllene Tider and the ones falling for e.g. One Direction or Justin Bieber. Interesting topic, but c’mon! Where will these latter boys be in 30 years…? 😉




© All screenshots are from the documentary

“Gyllene Tider’s Parkliv today” is broadcasted again at 13:55 CET and 01:05 CET, 9th June on SVT1.


Thanx for the cooperation to Celestte Williams.


Gyllene Tider nostalgia trip

You might remember the video Per shared on Gyllene Tider’s Facebook page appr. 2 weeks ago, where they appeared in a legendary TV studio with legendary Annika Jankell (reporter). The legendary interview was for a documentary that will be on air at 22:00 CET, 6th June on SVT1 (also at 13:55 CET and 01:05 CET, 9th June).

“Gyllene Tider’s Parkliv today” is a nostalgia trip back to the summer of 1981 and contains parts from Parkliv documentary, concert photos, hits, as well as the interview Annika did with GT about the past 30 years.




1m 56s teaser is available here.