Per Gessle shows his Ferrari collection on Antikrundan

In the January 16th episode of Antikrundan, SVT, there was a 4-minute-long reportage with Per Gessle. Antikrundan is the Swedish version of the original BBC format Antiques Roadshow. The show visits different locations in Sweden and lets people bring their antiques to be valued by experts. The show is hosted by Anne Lundberg.

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The recordings took place in August 2024 at Hotel Tylösand when Anne visited Per in Halmstad. Per’s part starts 23:40 into the program. After greeting Anne outside, with a view to the sea, they enter the hotel and walk into the area where The Joyride Car Collection is exhibited. Anne explains Per is a collector of both art and musical instruments, but today it’s about something else. Per enthusiastically says they are going to talk about cars. He thinks it smells so good in there, it smells like cars.

Anne is curious how Per’s interest in cars started. He thinks it was when he was a kid and watched Formula 1 with Ronnie Peterson and Jackie Stewart. Then he got completely hooked on Ferrari when he saw The Persuaders! with Tony Curtis and Roger Moore. Roger Moore drove an Aston Martin, but the Ferrari Dino Tony Curtis was driving was Per’s dream car. He is not the type who has to drive his cars so fast at all costs. He loves looking at them and he loves the romance around it. It’s Italy, la dolce vita. He thinks older cars in particular are fantastic, but they are so incredibly expensive and difficult to find.

Anne wants to know what the oldest car in the collection is. Per shows the one from 1962. It was bought new by Ragnar Åhlén, who started Åhlén & Holm which later became Tempo and then Åhléns, a chain of Swedish department stores. Per says this car is a 250 GTE. Anne asks PG how he knows that it is the one that Ragnar Åhlén had. Mr. G explains that there is a fantastic sign inside. He allows Anne to sit in the car and she finds the sign that says Åhlén & Holm AB, Ringvägen 100, Stockholm. Considering that the car is 60 years old, it is in fantastic condition in every detail, Anne says. Per says there are a few flaws though, a little patina that is. Anne says they like it like that in Antikrundan.

The next car is the Dino. Per asks Anne if she has seen anything more beautiful. He draws Anne’s attention to the taillights. PG loves them. Anne likes the shape of the car and says it could have been a super exclusive piece of furniture. It’s from 1971. Per lets Anne sit in the Dino. Anne says she has never sat in a car like this, it’s the first time. She hits her head while getting into the car and they are both laughing. Anne notes that you must not be too tall, if you have a car like this. She says Per probably didn’t know it when he was sitting at home watching The Persuaders! that one day he would own a car like this. Per says it’s fantastic. It’s the classic Rosso Corsa. Anne says it’s the color that people associate with Ferrari. Per confirms. Anne has heard that Per even got his own color. It’s Gessle gray (Gessle-grå). He points at the car next to them to show the color. It’s a ’60s color called Grigio Ferro. Many of their cars are in this color, so at the factory they call them Gessle gray (Gessle-grå). Per says they have learnt the Swedish word.

They jump into the Gessle gray Ferrari and Anne asks Per if there are still any dream cars left when he has such a fantastic collection. PG says not really, but of course, there are cars that you would like to have. He loves Ferrari California Spyders from the late ’50s, but they are almost unobtainable. They are extremely expensive and there aren’t that many of them. But it’s always fun to have a dream or two left, Per adds. You have to keep on dreaming.

Stills are from the program.