Being blown away song by song by Marie in Jönköping

MF_Jokke_Ett_hus_vid_havetIt was a special concert from RoxetteBlog’s point of view, since 4 of the 5 RoxetteBloggers were there in Jönköping tonight. The standard review you will find if you scroll down on our website, but why I’m writing a separate review is because almost a month passed since the tour started, but my time has come only today. For me it was a very special show, because it was my first ever Marie solo concert. And it was just a perfectly fantastic first experience for me. Marie was in a very good mood, smiling all the time, even joking many times and doing funny facial expressions. One must love this woman!


When she entered the stage we could already see she was barefoot again. So we could be kind of sure about the outcome, that it was going to be a fab show. Sitting in the front row  made you feel very close to her, actually, it felt like being on a private concert.



Så stilla så långsamt sounds awesome in this arrangement live. I saw some videos already on YouTube and already thought it sounded great, but hearing it live was amazing. Marie and Christoffer are magical in this.

Then came Kom vila hos mig. I was among the ones who from the very beginning questioned this tour being seated. Then I thought OK, maybe I’ve just never attended any concerts like this in the past and just don’t know how it is when you’re actually there. NOW I can tell it IS very hard to be sitting. At this song I felt like standing up, but as everyone was still sitting, I didn’t dare to. Too bad. This song just rocks too much. Both on the album and live.

Jokke_setlistIf you ask me, it was still hard sitting during Bara för en dag. I’m always amazed how Marie can sing this song live because of the fast parts. I can’t even read out those words so fast after one another. She rulez!

Det regnar igen, just like any other song from Marie’s best album, Den ständiga resan, is very much her. How she is feeling the song makes you have goosebumps.

Sista sommarens vals is also very much Marie. Of course, it’s the only song she wrote for her latest album, Nu! What I was missing in this song was a closer connection between Marie and Micke. Yes, sometimes I felt Micke was sitting too much in the back for that. And it’s of course not a complaint and I know it can’t always be the way it was in Tack för musiken show last December. Micke is fantastic on the piano.

I always liked Ber bara en gång, but it was just after I saw a video from this tour on YouTube when I started loving it. Should I mention it was hard sitting during this one, too…?

Sparvöga was again an awesome live experience. You can see how much Marie loves this song. All her facial expressions are showing it.

Then came some real funny moments in Ett hus vid havet. This is the song which is performed by Marie and Jokke. Jokke is standing next to her, also singing some part of the song. He has a great voice! From the videos it might not be evident for everyone, but he DOES have a pleasant voice. The funny moments: Marie messed up the lyrics, but was just smiling at it, mixing up boats and seagulls. She was looking at Jokke’s mouth to see what he was singing, but she just wanted to sing ”Och göra som jag vill” (= And do what I want to do). Who cares? Marie, you CAN do whatever you want to do! We were laughing so much at her reactions during this song.

Marie_JönköpingEtt bord i solen was one of the most touching songs. She said before she started singing that she wrote it when she got cancer. It made me remember how grateful we all have to be that she is still here, giving so much to us with her singing.

The next most touching song was Så skimrande var aldrig havet. I’ve never been a big fan of this song, but my Gosh… Marie’s performance left me breathless. Also her facial expressions during the song were undescribable. This song is just so much hers.

At some point, Marie said she is performing new and old songs during the concert, but mainly old ones. It was funny how she expressed herself. Ännu doftar kärlek is definitely one of the oldest, but also one of the best songs.

Then came Så länge det lyser mittemot. I don’t even have to mention it was hard sitting during this song, too…. So we stood up towards the end. Unfortuntaly, from row 4 no one else felt like this, but at least we had a party in the front and Marie and the band liked it.

I’m not sure anymore about before which song Marie wanted to go on with the next song, but everyone else was late, so she was laughing and said: ”OK, nästa” (= OK, the next one). The audience was also laughing out loud. Maybe it was before Om du såg mig nu.

And what we’ve been all waiting for, the real party came at Efter stormen. First we stood up in the front rows, then everyone else in the audience stood up. We’ve been dancing, jumping, singing along. At last!!! It felt incredibly good!

Again came a slower song, Den sjunde vågen. We had some more funny moments, which I also have on video. Check it out by clicking on the embedded video in the article. I started recording it from the lovely sound Marie made while taking a breath (we were smiling at it) and you can also see it wasn’t BoJo who helped Marie going off the stage tonight, but Micke N-S. It was such a funny part. After Miss Effe went off the stage, the guys went crazy with the guitars. They could have their rocking moments. Both Christoffer and Jokke could let their guitars bleed. Surjo might not be the craziest guitarist on Earth. To me he seems to be a calm and quiet person, but he is also doing a fantastic job back with his bass. Pelle is great on the drums, we could get used to it during the Roxette tours. There is a plexi glass in front of his drumset since Malmö concert and this probably provides an even better sound. The sound was fab.


Marie didn’t let us wait so long and she came back to the stage after about 2 minutes. It was just a very short break. We felt she really wanted to be on stage again. And oh yes! The first extra song is Mellan sommar och höst, my all time favourite MF song. It rocked big time and the whole audience was standing again. Front rows were even dancing & jumping again. Woohoo!

Then came Den bästa dagen and when Marie messed up the lyrics, the audience helped her singing out loud and she thanked it while she was smiling. It is always so heart-warming when the audience helps her like this. Those who already attended some other concerts during the tour, said it was the first time during this tour when the audience helped like this.

Why do all good things come to an end? The last song was of course Tro. Yet another song which is very much Marie. Towards the end of the song we held up some letters so she could read the word: VINNARE (= winner). She is! And we are also winners to have her! Thank you so much for all what you are giving to us, Marie!

After the concert fans were heading to the hotel where we thought Marie was staying and when Marie and Micke came we had a small chat with them. They said it was a great show and thanked to us for that. They also said it was hot in the theatre, but we said they could only thank it to themselves.

Then came the rest of the band, Chris, Pelle, Jokke and Surjo. Chris said from the stage the beginning of the concert seemed to be so-so, but the energy was rising and rising. When I said there is not so much space for Chris and Jokke to play the guitar like what we are used to how Chris plays it on a Roxette tour or Jokke in his own band, they said it’s fine like this. And it IS fine like this. The focus is now completely on Marie and we love it. But we also love the band. They sound great together!

God! I’m sooo grateful I still have 4 concerts to go! Tomorrow Göteborg!!!


Marie’s tour: Jönköping, 14th March #8

Setlist (no changes)

1. Så stilla så långsamt [1992 – DSR]
2. Kom vila hos mig [2013 – Nu!]
3. Bara för en dag [1987 – ES]
4. Det regnar igen [1992 – DSR]
5. Sista sommarens vals [2013 – Nu!]
6. Ber bara en gång [1996 – IETSV]
7. Sparvöga [1989 off the Swedish drama TV series]
8. Ett hus vid havet [1985 – DSV]
9. Ett bord i solen [2007 – TFT]
10. Så skimrande var aldrig havet [1990 off Taube compilation album]
11. Ännu doftar kärlek [1984 – HV]
12. Så länge det lyser mittemot [1992 – DSR]
13. Om du såg mig nu [1987 – ES]
14. Efter stormen [1987 – ES]
15. Den sjunde vågen [1985 – DSV]

16. Mellan sommar och höst [1992 – DSR]
17. Den bästa dagen [1985 – DSV]
18. Tro [1996 – IETSV]

Patrícia’s review
Smålands Posten about meet & greet


Sista sommarens vals
Ännu doftar kärlek

Marie’s tour: Malmö, 7th March #6

Setlist (there was a change – only 1 song played after the break)

© Álex Usero
© Álex Usero

1. Så stilla så långsamt [1992 – DSR]
2. Kom vila hos mig [2013 – Nu!]
3. Bara för en dag [1987 – ES]
4. Det regnar igen [1992 – DSR]
5. Sista sommarens vals [2013 – Nu!]
6. Ber bara en gång [1996 – IETSV]
7. Sparvöga [1989 off the Swedish drama TV series]
8. Ett hus vid havet [1985 – DSV]
9. Ett bord i solen [2007 – TFT]
10. Så skimrande var aldrig havet [1990 off Taube compilation album]
11. Ännu doftar kärlek [1984 – HV]
12. Så länge det lyser mittemot [1992 – DSR]
13. Om du såg mig nu [1987 – ES]
14. Efter stormen [1987 – ES]
15. Den sjunde vågen [1985 – DSV]16. Tro [1996 – IETSV]

16. Tro [1996 – IETSV]



There were many familiar faces at tonight’s concert. Even Mister Magnus, Sven Lindström and Helena Josefsson were there to see Marie. You might remember Linnea Henriksson, who was the support act during last year’s Gyllene Tider tour. She was also there and enjoyed Marie’s show very much.

Miss Effe’s voice was in top top top shape, but her leg didn’t want to cooperate, so it’s good that Jokke was close to her and Marie could take his arm when she needed it. She explained it was because of her illness, but she still rocked it big time and the audience went very emotional. After the break, there was only one song this time: Tro. Fans prepared red cardboard hearts with the word ”TACK!” (= Thank you!) or the text ”Vi älskar dig!” (= We love you!) on them and held them up during the last song. Marie and the band loved this lovely surprise. You can see the hearts on Karin’s (the hearts were her idea) and Linnea’s photos and check Heartland Anne’s Tro video. OMG! How touching is that when the hearts are appearing! And look at Pelle how caring he is at the very end. So lovely!

Heart for Marie_Karin_Lessjak                               Linnea_Henriksson_hearts_for_Marie

         © Karin Lessjak                                                                         © Linnea Henriksson

Additional reporting by Judith:
Marie received various standing ovations during the evening. When Bo brought a chair for Marie and she preferred to go on performing standing despite the pain, the audience showed their respect for Marie standing up and clapping. Also during the break, which took a bit longer than usual, the audience was standing up. And, of course, at the end during and after ‘Tro’.
‘Efter Stormen’ was welcomed and cheered with lots of ‘action’ from the audience too, the excellent arrangements for this song just don’t let you remain seated. Dance!

Next concert is tomorrow (8th March) in Växjö!




Part of Det regnar igen & Sista sommarens vals by Maria Carlson

Heartland Anne’s videos:

Ett hus vid havet
Om du såg mig nu

Ett bord i solen by Maria Carlson.
Chrissie Roehrs, Karin Lessjak, Álex Usero & Basia Konarzewska contributed to the article.

Marie’s tour: Visby, 28th February #4

Screenshot is from Antje Friedrich's Örebro video
Screenshot is from Antje Friedrich’s Örebro video

Setlist (there IS a change!)

1. Så stilla så långsamt [1992 – DSR]
2. Kom vila hos mig [2013 – Nu!]
3. Bara för en dag [1987 – ES]
4. Det regnar igen [1992 – DSR]
5. Sista sommarens vals [2013 – Nu!]
6. Ber bara en gång [1996 – IETSV]
7. Sparvöga [1989 off the Swedish drama TV series]
8. Ett hus vid havet [1985 – DSV]
9. Ett bord i solen [2007 – TFT]
10. Så skimrande var aldrig havet [1990 off Taube compilation album]
11. Ännu doftar kärlek [1984 – HV]
12. Så länge det lyser mittemot [1992 – DSR]
13. Om du såg mig nu [1987 – ES]
14. Efter stormen [1987 – ES]
15. Den sjunde vågen [1985 – DSV]

16. Guldgruva [2006 – MBV] (guest appearance of Pugh Rogefeldt)
17. Mellan sommar och höst [1992 – DSR]
18. Den bästa dagen [1985 – DSV]
19. Tro [1996 – IETSV]


There were not too many familiar faces at the concert tonight, but as Nina Wolfframm informs on FB, the show was the best so far, a million times better than e.g. Helsingborg. Most probably, after the first 3 concerts Marie and the band feel safer, thus more relaxed, they got used to how it works and it’s not that stressful anymore. Well, we know Per didn’t let Christoffer relax, but hopefully, Marie and all the other members of the band could have a rest during the past concert-free days.

The audience was not standing up, but was making lots of noise. Marie was also talking more between the songs than during the previous concerts. Well done!

There was a change in the setlist, since there was a guest artist, Pugh Rogefeldt. He and Marie performed Guldgruva, which was written (lyrics & music) by Pugh and covered by Marie on Min bäste vän. Marie was also a guest artist at Pugh’s concert in 2006.

Next show is on Sunday, 2nd March, Kalmar.

Thanks for all the info, Nina!


Julia Kraynova‘s videos:

Så stilla så långsamt
Det regnar igen & Sista sommarens vals
Guldgruva & Mellan sommar och höst & Den bästa dagen


Interview with Marie Fredriksson before Visby show

Screenshot is from Gyöngyvér Simon’s Örebro SSSL video
Screenshot is from Gyöngyvér Simon’s Örebro SSSL video

Hela Gotland (Annika Jansson) did an e-mail interview with Ms Effe before her concert in Visby (28th February).

About Gotland she says it’s a nice island and she is looking forward to deepening her relationship with it. She has never played there before. Marie says she has been longing for singing in Swedish again. The absolute best thing about performing live is meeting and get close to the audience.

To the question if it is different touring now to touring before her illness she replied today she takes it easy, one thing at a time and puts energy in the right thing at the right time. She is constantly trying to enjoy the ”present”.

Regarding Nu! she says she felt like “finally!!!!”, when it was finished. She is very proud of the whole album and the one and only song, Sista sommarens  vals written by her. Right now her favourite song off the album is Kom vila hos mig, especially live.

In the setlist during the tour everyone will find their own favourite MF songs, there are new and old ones. Hela Gotland asked if there is any song she can’t leave out, since the audience demands hearing it. She said there are more songs like this, but especially Sparvöga. Regarding the arrangement she says she has an amazing band with her, so both the up-tempo songs and the ballads sound great.

Marie informs she will stay in Gotland only for 1 day, but plans to come back for a private stay during summer.

To the question if she has any hidden talents she replied:

I can identify many birds when they are singing…