More than a year has passed since the fabulous tour photo book, RoXXXette On The Road was published. As you all know, it has 2 versions. A normal edition and a Roxers limited edition. The limited edition is in a beautiful box and it exists in 300 numbered copies only. It contains 16 pages more than the normal edition and it includes a numbered print-out with the signature of Anders Roos, most talented photographer and publisher of the book. The numbered print-outs exist in 12 different versions, each of them numbered from 1 to 25. On top of all this, each and every single limited edition RoXXXette On The Road is signed by Per Gessle. Some books contain Per’s signature only or the year 2016 written as well, but there are even copies in which you can find a Leif drawing by Mr. G or some most important words (e.g. Badabam!, Nice! or Cheers!) written by the man himself. This makes every single copy even more unique.
We started collecting photos of these limited edition books (see HERE) and the collection is now updated by 17 more photos. In case yours is not in the set yet, please send us an e-mail following the guidelines stated in the collection intro and we include your copy as well.
So far we have 80 books collected, 27% of the total limited edition books. Way to go to have them all, but we have the first (No. 1) and the last (No. 300), so we just need to fill in the gap in between. Haha. So, we’re looking forward to seeing the missing photos! Help us to complete the collection one day. 😉
Anders Roos, photographer and publisher of Roxette’s XXX tour photo book, RoXXXette On The Road was kind enough to offer us a copy of the normal edition for a contest. So here is your great chance to get hold of it if you don’t have it on your book shelf yet.
In order to participate, answer the following questions correctly:
Who wrote the reflections in the book? – Per Gessle
As you know, there are 2 editions of the book: a normal and a limited edition. How many numbered copies of the limited edition book were released? – 300
From when until when can you visit Anders Roos’ RoXXXette On The Road photo exhibition at Hotel Tylösand? – From 1st July to 31st August
How many Roxette prints are on display at the RoXXXette On The Road exhibition at Hotel Tylösand? – 15
Send an e-mail with your name, address (so we can send the book in case you win) and the correct answers to the questions to until 23:59 CET, 25thJuly 2016. The lucky winner will be announced a few days later. Good luck!
Contest terms and conditions:
– In order to participate, you have to send an e-mail to with name, address and correct answers to the 4 questions. We will consider all e-mails we receive until 23:59 CET on 25thJuly 2016.
– 1 winner will be picked randomly among those who have participated and sent the correct answers.
– You can only participate once, any attempt to participate twice or more times will lead to your disqualification.
– Prize won’t be paid out in cash. Prize will be sent by registered mail only once.
– Winners will be announced on this website, on our Facebook page and will also be notified per e-mail. You’ll be required to answer the e-mail confirming your address.
– will not enter into any correspondence regarding the result of the contest and is not liable for any damages, loss or expenses that may result in connection to the prize.
– All submitted data will only be used for the purpose of the contest and in case you are the lucky winner, to send you the prize.
Roxette photos on display taken by Anders Roos, exhibition photos taken by Patrícia Peres.
Update on 26th July:Winner of the contest is Frédéric Bourgoin, Canada.
As you all know, Roxette’s tour photo book, RoXXXette On The Road was published on 16th June in 2 versions. As a normal edition and as a Roxers limited edition. The limited edition is in a beautiful box and it exists in 300 numbered copies only. It contains 16 pages more than the normal edition and it includes a numbered print-out with the signature of Anders Roos, photographer and publisher of the book. The numbered print-outs exist in 12 different versions (not 15 as it was mentioned earlier), each of them numbered from 1 to 25. On top of all this, each and every single limited edition RoXXXette On The Road is signed by Per Gessle.
Some Roxers already started sharing pictures of their copies on Facebook and we see there are so many variations. Everyone is curious about what Per wrote in the books and which print-out ended up in which numbered copy’s box. For this reason, we thought it would be nice to collect them in a kind of an album on an easily available public platform and so we would create that on our website. It would be similar to the PLECtionary.
In case you want to see your limited edition book and print-out details in the collection, please do the following.
Take a photo of the page(s) Per signed (and drew or wrote any funny text on) in your Roxers Edition book, as well as a picture of the print-out your box includes.
Please make sure that all details are clearly visible, I mean the number of the book, the signature, the texts or drawings by PG, as well as the number of the print-out.
In the e-mail please confirm that you own all rights related to the certain photo and state if you agree on sharing them on our website ( Please don’t send us others’ pics, only your own!
Please write the number of your book (e.g. 1/300) and your print-out (e.g. 23/25) in the e-mail.
Please also state whether you want your full name being shown on our website next to your photo or just your initials or if we should use the photo without stating your name in public or if you don’t agree on publishing the picture, but only the text and number of your copy.
None of the photos will be shared in hi res and of course, if you want, you can use your own watermark on them.
We are trying to collect all 300 copies this way, but of course, we are aware of the fact that it’s not sure at all that every owner reads this article or wants to share the details of their copies. So let’s see what happens.
You can send your photos anytime. There is no deadline, since some books are still on their way to their owners. It’s going to be a constantly updated thing until we don’t have it all. 😉 Anytime you get to know that a book changes its owner, do not hesitate to tell us about it, so we can update the details in the collection.
Here you can see a sample pic of what we expect from you as a photo. But you can be creative, the photos don’t need to look the same for each limited edition book, just take into consideration the above mentioned.
Pic by Patrícia Peres
In case you have any questions, contact us at the e-mail address stated above.
Thanks to you all for your cooperation in advance and we hope you will enjoy the result later!
2 exhibitions had their openings at Hotel Tylösand on Friday, 1st July. Legendary British photographer, Mick Rock had the vernissage of his ”THE RISE OF DAVID BOWIE and more” exhibition on the 2nd floor, while Anders Roos opened his ”RoXXXette On The Road” exhibition in the hall on the ground floor.
It would have been probably better from the RoXXXette On The Road exhibition’s point of view if that one had started 1 hour earlier and then everyone could have gone to see the main exhibition after seeing Anders Roos’ 15 fab Roxette photos. Both exhibitions started at 7 pm and Mick Rock’s was an invitation only event. Many people came to meet him and have some words with him about his wonderful David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Debbie Harry etc. photos. He also signed his David Bowie book during the vernissage and was happy to pose for pictures with his fans.
Photo by Patrícia Peres
Among the guests known to us there was Mikael Bolyos, Magnus Börjeson, Sven Lindström, Göran Fritzon and last, but definitely not least, Per Gessle. When Per arrived, he immediately got some questions from Expressen’s Kvällensposten (see their article and photos from the event HERE) and we also had the chance to talk to him shortly. He was in a very good mood, being excited about meeting Mick Rock. We talked about the RoXXXette On The Road book, mainly about the Roxers limited edition version and he said he asked the organizers to keep the low numbers for Hotel Tylösand, because he knows that we, Roxers pop up here often and would get it at the hotel. He said it took ages for the silver tint to dry when he signed those 300 limited edition copies, but it was fun to sign them. Good it wasn’t raining then, however, he has a glass roof on the terrace, so the books would have survived anyway. Per was kindly posing for a picture for RoxetteBlog and made me laugh how he smiled. Why to say ”cheese” when you can say ”Paul McCartney”? I’m glad I didn’t shoot at ”-cart-” Haha! Then off he went to enjoy the vernissage. The whole event lasted for about 2 hours and it seems that it’s not only Per who had fun with Mick Rock, but vice versa. See picture HERE.
At the RoXXXette On The Road exhibition you can see 15 C-prints from the book in 50×70 and 70×100 cm sizes. They are on display at Hotel Tylösand, in front of the Spa. You can even buy the numbered prints. There are 25 numbered copies of each 50×70 cm print and 10 numbered copies of each 70×100 cm print. The 50×70 cm print costs 6000 SEK, while the 70×100 cm print costs 10500 SEK. Prices include the frame (1000 SEK) and Swedish VAT (appr. 1000 SEK), so if you order from abroad, the prices might be different / lower. If you are interested in more details or you have any questions, contact Tres Hombres Art at
As Anders Roos told Lokaltidningen, Halmstad (read the article and see some pictures HERE) it was extremely exciting to be on tour with Roxette. He said the band was very helpful and they also wanted the result to be as good as possible. Anders tried to choose different images to get a good balance of pictures with both Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson, as well as the band members. Anders, who considers RoXXXette On The Road as a dream project also told Lokaltidningen that nowadays, when everyone goes to the concerts with their cameras and mobiles, it’s not the live photos that are the most interesting, but rather the backstage shots.
The exhibitions are free to visit until 31st August, so if you are near Hotel Tylösand, make sure you don’t miss them!
RoXXXette On The Road, Roxette’s extremely beautiful tour photo book photographed by Anders Roos was published on 16th June. The book that includes 41 reflections by Per Gessle has 2 editions, a normal and a limited edition version in 300 copies called The Roxers Edition. The latter one is presented in a very cool hard case and includes 16 additional pages vs. the normal edition, plus a print from the book signed by Anders Roos and the book itself is signed by Per in silver.
The book entered the charts and it’s not even a week ago since it’s out. The positions show high interest in both editions, even if The Roxers Edition is not listed at too many selling points. Let’s see the actual chart positions!
On the daily sales charts we could already see that the limited edition book topped the list (actually, it’s now already out of stock), but now the weekly chart is also available and we can see the normal edition is in the Top5 as well. Woohoo!
RoXXXette On The Road – The Roxers Edition: No. 1 in Culture category
RoXXXette On The Road (normal edition): No. 5 in Culture category
RoXXXette On The Road (normal edition): No. 2 among all books!!!
Congrats for reaching such nice positions on the charts! Keep it up!
Update on 27th June: both editions of the book kept their positions (No. 1 and No. 5) at Bokus, while at Ginza, the normal edition became No. 1.