The dates when DATPR songs were written

Until now you could reach the lyrics of Gyllene Tider songs on, but now they are available on as well. Next to all songs off ”Dags att tänka på refrängen” album you can find when the songs were written. All of them were born in 2012, except ”Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej”, of which the original text (”Är det jag?”) was written in the 70s. In our Per Gessle, the workaholic article I was already writing about the demo dates. Now here come the dates when these pearls were written:


  • Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej (Demo 6/8 2012): the lyrics can’t be found on the website yet, so no exact details of when this song was written, but at least we know that the first demo of it was ”Är det jag?” made on 9th July, 1979.
  • Man blir yr (Demo 26/7 2012): written on 22nd July, 2012. Maybe Per wouldn’t have enough time to write this song if Brøndby, Denmark gig (21st July, 2012) hadn’t been cancelled due to logistics reasons between Cluj and Gdansk gigs.
  • Singel (Demo 6/12 2012): written in October-November, 2012. Probably not 2 complete months were needed to write this hit, but it seems that it took the most time.
  • Allt jag lärt mej om livet (har jag lärt mej av Vera) (Demo 6/8 2012): August, 2012, but surely between 1st and 6th August, as the demo was recorded on 6th August, the Halmstad earthquake day.
  • Tio droppar regn (Demo 6/10 2012): written on 3rd October, 2012. Most probably it was such a rainy day that one had to be sitting inside and eat some glass meringue. 😉
  • Jag tänker åka på en lång lång lång lång lång resa (Demo 28/8 2012): written on 24th-25th August, 2012, between the Oriflame gig in Stockholm (22nd August) and the North American tour leg that started on 29th August, in Canada. This long journey surely had an effect on Mr. G.
  • Lyckopiller (Demo 21/6 2012): written on 17th June, 2012 in Halmstad. This was the first written among these new songs.
  • Chikaboom (Demo 6/12 2012): written on 20th-21st-27th November, 2012 in Stockholm. This was the last written among these new songs.
  • Anders och Mickes första band (Demo 5/10 2012): written on 9th September, 2012 in Calgary, so gig day in Calgary, Canada.
  • Tiden är en dåre med banjo (Demo 9/8 2012): written on 8th-9th August, 2012. During the short tour break PG must have had enough time to read some Charles Bukowski again. The quote ”Time is a fool with a banjo.” comes from him.
  • Knallpulver (Demo 8/5 2012): most probably it was born on the demo day, 8th May, 2012 in Curitiba, Brazil.
  • Dags att tänka på refrängen (Demo 28/6 2012): written on 25th-26th June, 2012. Maybe Mr. Gessle didn’t want to think about the end of the tour that was coming in less than 3 months.





Soldans & Disco & Henry & Hanna

After seeing Gyllene Tider’s Leifs Lounge gig setlist with ”Arabiska nätter” as the opening song and ”Vill ha ett svar!” among the extras, I was thinking about what other surprise song could they include in the tour setlist. Well, I think most of you would agree on ”Henry, dansa inte disco!” would be a great surprise to be performed live. This song so far appeared only on the album (”Jag har förstått allt, men jag kan inte ge några detaljer”) which Per released in 100 copies for MP’s 30th birthday.

Now it will be available for a wider audience on GT’s new compilation album, ”Soldans på din grammofon”, in 2 versions. Next to a new version (4m 27s long) the other might be the same as the one on MP’s birthday album, since it is stated on the tracklist as a live rehearsal studio version from January 1980 and the b-day album says rehearsal studio, Harplinge, 20th January, 1980. However, the old version is 4m 47s long and Soldans version is 5m 09s long. So there’s a little difference. You can have a listen to the old version by clicking here.

In case Henry is joining the guys on stage during the tour, you might want to sing along. If he won’t be dancing disco on tour, you’ll still need the lyrics to sing along in your living room after the album is out. 😉 So either way, start learning the lyrics! Thanks to Peter Mills, you can find an English translation next to it.


Henry, dansa inte disco! Henry, Don’t Dance Disco!
Lyrics by Per Gessle. Music by Per Gessle & M.P. Persson translation provided by Peter Mills
Harplinge, 20/January/1980
Hanna var ett rock n’ roll freak. Hanna was a rock ‘n’ roll freak.
Henry var en äkta discoboy. Henry was a genuine discoboy.
Henry köpte jämt Veckoreyn. Henry bought “Veckoreyn”. (Swedish teenage-magazine)
Hanna stod i kiosken vid Stora Torg. Hanna stood in a kiosk near Stora Torg
Så Hanna och Henry dom träffa varann, ooh. So Hanna and Henry they meet each other, ooh.
Allt dom gjorde, gjorde dom likt. Everything they did, did likewise.
Men det fanns ett problem, det gällde musik. But there was a problem, it was about music.
Hanna hade hemliga hobbys, Hanna had secret hobbies,
hon samlade plattor från fjärran tid. she collected albums from an older time.
Henry han höll huvudet högt, Henry he got the head high,
han dansade disco aaalltid. he danced disco aaalways.
Hon hade älskat Elvis och Lennon och Jagger. She had loved Elvis and Lennon and Jagger.
Henry han dansa som i trans, ooh. Henry he dances like in trance, ooh.
När han stod på golvet hade Hanna ingen chans. When he stood on the floor Hanna had no chance.
Hon sa: She said:
 -Henry, dansa inte disco. Henry, inte disco.  -Henry, don’t dance disco. Henry, no disco.
Hon sa: She said:
 -Henry, dansa inte disco. Henry, inte disco. -Henry, don’t dance disco. Henry, no disco.
Hanna hon var kär i Henry. Hanna she was in love with Henry.
Henry var också kär i sin vän. Henry was also in love with his friend.
Men varje kväll var det krig But every night was a war
framför den svarta skivspelaren. in front of that black record player.
Så Hanna och Henry dom lämna varann, ooh. So Hanna and Henry they left each other, ooh.
Henry svängde sina discoshoes Henry swinged his disco shoes
och Hanna blev hög på rhythm n’ blues. and Hanna became high on rhythm ‘n’ blues.
Hon säger: She says:
 -Henry, dansa inte disco. Henry, inte disco.  -Henry, don’t dance disco. Henry, no disco.
Hon säger: She says:
 -Henry, dansa inte disco. Henry, inte disco.  -Henry, don’t dance disco. Henry, no disco.
 -Henry, dansa inte disco. Henry, inte disco.  -Henry, don’t dance disco. Henry, no disco.
 -Henry, dansa inte disco. Henry, inte disco.  -Henry, don’t dance disco. Henry, no disco.


Please note that there might be some changes in the lyrics, just like it was the case with ”Är det jag?” when it became ”Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej”. 😉


”Soldans på din grammofon” is released on 3rd July. Here you can check the complete tracklist.


soldans                  GT_jag har forstatt allt men jag kan inte ge nagra detaljer


Gyllene Tider keeps No. 2 position

After 7 weeks at No. 1, then No. 2 on the Swedish album charts, Gyllene Tider’s Dags att tänka på refrängen kept its No. 2 position. This week Lasse Stefanz entered the charts with a new album at No. 1.

Check on Gyllene Tider’s official Facebook site how the guys celebrated their double platinum record at Leifs Lounge on 26th June. They’ve already sold more than 80 000 DATPR records.

Congrats, Fab Five!




Gyllene Tider’s hot gig at Leifs Lounge

Today 750 lucky fans attended Gyllene Tider’s concert at Hotel Tylösand. The ”secret” gig was confirmed on 11th June and the concert menus at Leifs Terrace were announced at the same time. All the menus were sold out in an hour. The menu was:

Skaldjurscocktail med jordärtskocka och sparris (Seafood cocktail with Jerusalem artichoke and asparagus)

Grillade entrecote med örtaioli samt potatis och grönsakssandwich (Grilled entrecote with herb aioli, potato and vegetable sandwich)

Crema Barcelona


Normal concert tickets went on sale at 17:00 CET on 17th June. They were not sold out that day, but the interest in them was big all around the world, so it was possible even for foreign fans to buy tix.

There were fans who started queueing at about midnight! Hotel manager and staff were very nice, fans got some sweets and coffee while waiting.

Per Gessle & Co. arrived to Hotel Tylösand at about 16:00. Soundcheck started at 17:00 and lasted for less than an hour.

BoJo made it happen: the doors opened at 18:30 for those very few fans who had been waiting there all day and of course, they all made it to the international front row in cosy Leifs Lounge. Entering the venue was very calm: no running, no fuss about it, just walking in patiently.

Seeing those many pics and videos online and reading those fans’ posts on FB who attended the gig, the Fab Five was in top shape tonight and they sounded awesome. Anders Nunstedt from Expressen was in the crowd, too. He had a great (not fantastic, but great, which is still fantastic from him 😉 ) time, as he gave 4 out of 5 for the gig in his review. He probably enjoyed ”Det hjärta som brinner” and ”(Kom så ska vi) Leva livet” the most, as he shared short videos of these songs on Instagram. 🙂 Check our Facebook site for the links.

As Per informed Expressen, GT was digging deep into their archives for this gig and also performed some songs they won’t play later on tour. The setlist consisted of 17 songs including 2 encores. Let’s see which of these they will leave out. ”Arabiska nätter” – which, according to Hallandsposten they haven’t played live since April, 1980 – we probably won’t hear live again. Such a pity, but hey, huge thanx to Mandy Sedgwick, you can watch it online here. 😉



1. Arabiska nätter

2. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän

3. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej

4. Juni, juli, augusti

5. Det hjärta som brinner

6. Allt jag lärt mej om livet (har jag lärt mej av Vera)

7. En sten vid en sjö i en skog

8. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta

9. Gå & fiska!

10. (Hon vill ha) Puls

11. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly

12. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet


13. Flickorna på TV2

14. Vill ha ett svar!

15. När vi två blir en


16. Sommartider

17. Tylö Sun



Gyllene Tider Leifs Lounge setlist 20130626  Pers setlist and plecs

The standard setlist                                                               Per’s setlist and some hot plecs

© Basia Konarzewska


Huge thanx for sharing so much info and stuff, Basia Konarzewska and letting us to be part of it this way. You’re such a good reporter. 😉


And now? Bring on 5th July!!!





Expressen 1    Expressen 2





Gyllene Tider rocked at Allsång på Skansen

Gyllene Tider performed today in the premiere show of this year’s Allsång på Skansen. The Fab Five already appeared in this show in 2004, when they played ”Sommartider” and ”En sten vid en sjö i en skog”. For today’s performance they chose the ass-kicking ”Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej” from the new album as a starter after 2 songs sung by the showman. It sounded incredibly awesome live! First I thought ”why the crowd is sitting still when this song makes you jump and shout???”, but then I was informed the sitting audience is not allowed to stand up. Well, rules are to break them, aren’t they? 😉

After their first song, there was a very short interview with Per and Anders, then they went off the stage and some other artists appeared to perform. At the end of Allsång there came an interesting medley: ”Flickorna på TV2”, ”Juni, juli, augusti” and ”Sommartider”. One of their best medleys ever and oh, yes! Now this made the audience stand up and dance and sing out loud. The medley made me think that the guys might be brave enough not to play any of these latter 3 songs as separate ones during the tour, but in a medley and this way more unexpected songs can get on the setlist, not mentioning more songs from their latest album, Dags att tänka på refrängen.

After the TV show ended at 21:00 CET, there was an extra song from Gyllene Tider on the web broadcast: ”Gå & fiska!”. The crowd was still standing and enjoying the show to the full and Per was throwing away plecs to the crowd while performing. Some more talking with GT after the song and Micke Syd was throwing away his drumsticks to the audience.

Some more details must be mentioned: the guys looked fantastic and they were in top top top shape; Leif on Micke Syd’s drumkit was too cool; Mr. Gessle’s boots with those red skulls were incredibly hot AND the new plecs looked just awesome on the stand!

You can watch the whole show by clicking HERE.

Bring on 5th July! Oh, no! First bring on tomorrow for those who are lucky enough to attend the Leifs Lounge gig!


Screenshots are from the show.

