Roxette on German TVs

When Per was in Berlin, he got interviewed by the press, also by German TVs. The RTL stuff was rather a joke with a less than 1-minute-long coverage, even misspelling Per’s name, but Das Erste did it oh so right. You can watch 2 videos online, 6 minutes altogether. You can choose if you want to watch it with Per’s original voice in English or the one with German overdubbing. Among other things, Per talks about the last 30 years, if it was better in the ’80s than now, The Look, their brother and sister relationship with Marie and Marie’s illness, as well as how Marie is doing now and that he thinks it’s the leg thing what bothers Marie the most these days. Ms Effe was doing photo sessions in Stockholm for her upcoming book while Per was in Berlin. He also tells Party Crasher would have probably been a Roxette album if he knew Marie would come back. To the question if he sings along when he hears a Roxette song on the radio he said he just turns up the volume to hear how it sounds in the car, but doesn’t sing along.

This was a lovely interview with him with great questions and even more interesting answers. Check it by clicking HERE. It’s really worth watching! There was a report broadcast on TV /Das Erste/ (different vs. what you can find in the mediathek). Check this one, too.

Screenshot is from the Das Erste interview

Thanx to all the German Roxers who kept an eye on their TV sets!


Update on 20th March: There is one more video interview with Per at Sü Overdubbed, but still lovely. Watch it by clicking HERE.
Screenshot is from the Sü interview shows the RTL report with correct spelling of Per’s name and in a slightly longer version.

The Per Gessle Selection – ad page on Expressen

The Per Gessle Selection gets a very nice promotion on Expressen’s website. The ad page consists of 5 PR articles about Per’s wines in Swedish.

One article is about Sommartider rosé, the unbeatable picnic wine. About rosé wines Per says they fit as soon as it is a bit warm outside. He himself drinks it throughout the year, even in winter if he finds himself in a warmer climate abroad. According to Per, rosé goes well with almost anything, but it must be drunk cold – always!

Another article is about Sommartider white wine which goes well with seafood. In the third article you get the recipe of Leif’s Bar & Grill’s Kingcrab pizza.

The fourth article is about how The Per Gessle Selection project started when they wanted to serve their own house wines at Hotel Tylösand and Kurt & Lisa and Furet became the first 2 items in the selection.

PG_Sommartider_launchFrom the fifth article you get to know more about Per’s relation to wines. When he turned 30, he got a box of Malartic-Lagraviere 1982 wine as a present. He says it changed his view on wines forever. In his twenties other drinks mattered. He didn’t drink too much wine at those times and it was mostly a few glasses of Le Cardinal or Blue Nun to his Pizza Hawaii. Today his name is well-known and respected in the wine industry. He really likes Bordeaux and Burgundy wines, as well as Italian wines from both Barolo and Tuscany.

The passion for good wine he shares with his wife, Åsa. Travelling around the world, they have many memorable culinary experiences together, but the biggest they had at a dinner at home. They had invited some friends to celebrate the Millennium and Per had managed to get hold of two half bottles of Chateau d’Yqem from 1900. They served it before midnight and he says it was a memory for life.

According to Per, a wine cellar is not really necessary. The main thing is that the temperature is fairly constant and that the bottle is not exposed to strong sunlight. All in all, wines are not as complicated as many people think. It is actually about one thing: to find and follow your taste; he says.

Great promotion!


Per Gessle’s Sommartider wines get promoted

Vinkompassen has just shared an advertisement of Sommartider wines from The Per Gessle Selection. More than that, if you are in Sweden and you are among the first 200 who order a case of 12 bottles from the deliciously refreshing Sommartider rosé or the summery Sommartider white, you get a personal greeting from Per himself. If anyone of you is getting that personal greeting, let us know what it is – if it’s not too personal. 😉



Gyllene Tider in top shape: album, tracklist, tour, promo summary

There were many press and radio interviews with the band during the past few days and there is a live programme on TV4 today – direct broadcast from their rehearsal studio. Here is a summary of all the information we got to know so far.



As Per says, the new album – Dags att tänka på refrängen – is 37 minutes long and contains almost only uptempo songs. There is only one ballad that is similar to ”När alla vännerna gått hem”.

Here is the list of songs from the album:

1. Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej
2. Man blir yr
3. Singel
4. Allt jag lärt mej om livet (har jag lärt mej av Vera)
5. Tio droppar regn
6. Jag tänker åka på en lång lång lång lång lång resa
7. Lyckopiller
8. Chikaboom
9. Anders och Mickes första band
10. Tiden är en dåre med banjo
11. Knallpulver
12. Dags att tänka på refrängen


Does it mean “Henry, dansa inte disco!” got a new title? Or Henry might appear later as a B-side…


The album is released on 24th April in a bound CD book format. The deluxe version includes a bonus CD with demo versions of all 12 songs. Of course, the album will also be available on vinyl.

According to, the standard album’s booklet is of 20 pages, deluxe CD’s booklet is of 24 pages.

Aftonbladet states that Gyllene Tider sounds younger than ever. They have their own style and own sound. These five guys together are a unique mix.

Per replied to Expressen’s question about what makes them being still one of the biggest Swedish bands:

I think there is a reason why Gyllene Tider is still being great. Every time we come back we have new hits.

Micke Syd says to Aftonbladet:

There are not too many bands that have this energy. Per sounds so young and we play so well together. It would be a mortal sin not to do it.

Per said in several interviews that Göran has never been so good as on this album. Micke Syd says:

All people just smile when they hear that fucking organ. “Now it’s summer!”



Gyllene Tider is happy with the ticket sales. Per said to Expressen that several concerts are basically sold out. There will be around 10,000 people per gig.

According to Expressen, the total audience of the summer tour with 19 stops is 343,000. This would mean there should be appr. 18,000 people at each venue. Expressen says Gyllene Tider is competing for the summer audience with international giants like Bruce Springsteen, Iron Maiden and Kiss, but Anders Herrlin thinks:

Those who come to see us, come to see us. We can only do our best and we will be providing something amazing.

Per says to Expressen that they will sit down after Easter and discuss everything about the ticket sales and if there should be any extra concerts.

The songs for the setlist will be selected during the rehearsals. There will be a mix of new and old hits, as well as something for the real hardcore fans. We can be sure the hits mentioned by Per will be played live this summer, too.

Being on stage and performing “Sommartider”, “När vi två blir en” or “Det hjärta som brinner” is absolutely amazing. The symbiosis with the crowd becomes so powerful.

Per said in the PP3 radio interview that there might be 5-6 new songs played on tour.



Tonight the band responds to fans’ questions in TV4’s ”Fråga Gyllene Tider”. Here you can check the details. GT sent greetings from their rehearsal studio and can’t wait for your questions.




“Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sej” will be played on TV4 by Gyllene Tider today – according to GT’s post on facebook. Will it be the cover of this song? Noooo, we hope it’s a totally new song written by Per.


UPDATE: You can watch ”Fråga Gyllene Tider” if you click HERE.


Aftonbladet made a funny interview with Per. In 1983 Per answered questions of Aftonbladet’s readers. After 30 years, now Aftonbladet asked him the same questions and put his actual answers next to his answers from 1983. From the 2013 replies we get to know – among other things – that Per isn’t listening to Buddy Holly while he’s making love nowadays. The most similar answer he gave to the question what he’ll be doing in ten years. He said:

1983: In ten years, I’m hopefully still healthy and I’m over the ”being a 30-year-old” crisis and play golf with Lasse Lindbom in Southern France.


2013: I hope I’m still healthy and work further on this endless highway of pop music’s realm.


It seems that he is over even the ”being a 50-year-old” crisis. We hope to have you on this endless highway for more than 10 years, Per. 😉




Sveriges Radio PP3:

Gyllene Tider’s website:


Some news from Greece: Roxette promotion at full speed!

Kostas Soldatos from Greece sent us some interesting facts about Roxette in the charts and promotion of the concert in Athens the upcoming May 27th 2011.

As you can see on RockFM, Roxette is on #3 on the radio playlists charts. Furthermore, “Charm School” was album of the week on KissFM.

Promotion for the show Roxette will play in Athens can be seen everywhere. Here are examples of the bus promo campaign and promo posters. More pictures can be found on Kostas Flickr.

And here are two hilarious videos promoting the concert.
