Big interview with Per, 2 new Roxette tracks

There’s a big interview with Per on, mainly about the Party Crasher tour experiences. The band members promised each other to let this tour literary “never end”. Per will fly to NYC to get an US release for the album.

Today I asked Per on twitter if Roxette aim for a whole album or just some tracks. He responded “2 tracks. that’s it for now.” Not exactly the answer I dreamed of! But we’ll see how it continues. Wonder how these songs will be released…

Update: The interview was moved to The Daily Roxette.

Party Crasher-DVD at the end of summer

According to Per Gessle, the Party Crasher-tour DVD will be released at the end of summer all over Europe and contain about 100 home videos. Per also tells that several live tapes from European shows exist and they (Christoffer and Per) are listening to them these days. Furthermore the audio recordings are supposed to come as a live CD in a package with the DVD.