Gyllene Tider at the roof of the Opera in Oslo

Mid May it was announced that Gyllene Tider would be one of the performers at an event organized by OBOS, Norwegian housing construction group. The association organized the event at the roof of the Opera in Oslo for the fourth time this year and all revenues go to child and youth care. The venue seemed to be an exciting one and I soon decided that this concert can’t be missed. I was not alone. Tickets got sold out in only a couple of days and that meant 8500 people would be there to see GT.

Gyllene Tider was not the only band for the night. 3 other acts were to perform before them: Ina Wroldsen, Timbuktu & Damn! and The September When.

I remember when we met Per on our way from Trondheim to Fredrikstad, we talked about the fact that we would also attend the gig in Oslo after the GT40 tour was over. He said that actually, they would play 2 shows in Oslo. Haha. Too bad that we couldn’t be there at the first one, because it was a closed corporate gig. OBOS celebrated their 90th anniversary and for that reason they invited their employees and partners to celebrate it at Telenor Arena in Oslo the day before the Opera roof event. GT hit the stage after A-ha and Timbuktu, at 23:00 CET and played for an hour. What I loved is that during all other acts (even during A-ha) the audience were still sitting at their gala tables, having dinner in between the acts, but once Gyllene Tider appeared, they rushed to the front and stood there during the show. Cool! They performed: 1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling; 2. Juni, juli, augusti; 3. Flickorna på TV2; 4. Kung av sand; 5. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta; 6. När vi två blir en; 7. Sommartider; 8. När alla vännerna gått hem.(Maybe more songs too, but they are not confirmed.) After seeing the set, I was very curious how it would be the next day.

18th August was to be a cloudy, rainy day and even if the sun was out during half of the day, unfortunately, when it was time to get to the Opera, huge, grey clouds started gathering. Thousands of people were entering the area at the same time at 4 pm and everyone tried to find a place with a good view. We aimed for the front, as close to the stage as possible. Oh well… The closest possible was appr. 20 m far from it, with water between us and the stage. Haha. We were prepared for that as we already checked some previous events’ photos, but seeing it in person… Hm. Anyway. We still thought it would be a fun night.

The event started at 5 pm and all 3 acts before GT performed for 1 hour and then there was a 30-minute-long setting up for each upcoming artist. The artists were getting to the stage through a little bridge and so we saw Per and Co. walking through some minutes after 9 pm. They were to perform between 9.30 and 11 pm.

The rain was on and off, so we put our ponchos on and off. During the band that played before GT, the weather got quite OK, so we prayed it stayed like that, but… we weren’t lucky. Once the Pink Panther Theme was on, it started raining and it was one hell of a rain. We held up a banner during the opening song: ”SISTA DANSEN! VI ÄLSKAR ER!”, but I’m not sure anyone saw that from the stage being it dark, far and raining. Haha. Whatever… we tried. 😉 The raining stopped after some songs, but after 1-2 songs without rain it started pouring again. Then in the 3rd third of the show there was no rain anymore.

Compared to the tour, everything was different. Not just the venue, but the stage set, the setlist, part of the stage clothes. It wasn’t the same feeling as during the concerts on tour, but it felt nice being there anyway. To have an extra performance from the 5 Golden Guys and the 2 Golden Ladies and hear some songs live again. For a real last time.

The difference in the stage set was that there were no screens in the background. I mean those 5 panels were missing, so there was no projection during the songs. There were screens on the 2 sides of the stage, but that was for the crowd to be able to see the happenings from far far away, from the most distant spot of the roof of the Opera. The lights were surely not tested properly for GT, because during the whole show it was only Per who was lit correctly, but Micke Syd, Göran, Dea and Malin-My stayed hidden in the dark. Also Anders and MP didn’t get too much light. It was better to follow the screens on the sides than the stage. Somehow the camera recordings looked much better, with more light.

The guys and girls performed 17 songs altogether. One of the biggest regrets was that they skipped Det kändes inte som maj and things weren’t the same without Tuffa tider and Micke Syd’s stand-up part, as well as his singing of Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! Missed it badly. The band presentation came after Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång and this time after Per introduced all members, Micke Syd stayed behind his drums and introduced Per from there. There was one encore and Per didn’t change his clothes to the white set. Det är över nu wasn’t played, but all other encore songs from the usual 21-song tour setlist were.

The best working songs on the Norwegian crowd were again När vi två blir en and Sommartider. The audience (joining the other 2 Norwegian crowds on tour) was not the loudest when it came to singing along, but they were cheering, shouting and clapping heavily. Some groups were even dancing. For the jumping, the roof of the Opera is not the most leg-friendly place, because of the sloping surface. No need to go to the gym for a while after you were jumping on that roof. I won’t. Haha. The acoustics of the place was great by the way. The water must have helped it too.

The concert ended with När alla vännerna gått hem. Micke Syd took a black towel with him and put that on the edge of the stage to sit on it, not to get wet. Per thanked the crowd for coming and said it was fantastic to play for them. I prepared another banner for fun which said: ”U CAN DO IT, PER! THROW YOUR PICK! :)” Referring to the big distance between the front row and the stage and having water in between. We held it up at the end when they were taking a bow, because usually after the bow Per throws his remaining picks from the mic stand to the crowd. Last night he didn’t do that. During the concert he threw some picks while playing, as if they could reach the other side, but the closest flying pick still landed at least 3 metres too far from the front row, in the water. The picks stayed on the surface for a short while, but then they sank. Hopefully, there won’t be plastic pollution headlines with the belly content of seals or cormorans. Just kidding of course, but if any fan feels like diving for 4-5 picks, they are still there in the Inner Oslofjord. Haha.

All in all, it was a real fun happening in Oslo and it was nice to see Per, Micke, MP, Göran, Anders, Malin-My and Dea again for one last time. We’ll miss them!


  1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
  2. Juni, juli, augusti
  3. Det hjärta som brinner
  4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
  5. Flickorna på TV2
  6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
  7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
  8. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång


  1. Kung av sand
  2. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
  3. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
  4. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
  5. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet


  1. Gå & fiska!
  2. När vi två blir en
  3. Sommartider
  4. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

Tusen tack för allt, Gyllene Tider! – thanx from the fans

19 concerts all around Sweden, taking a turn to Norway for 2 shows, 28 different songs played live, 7 most talented and fantastic musicians giving their 120% energy night after night on stage, 254 233 fans of all ages saying goodbye to one of Sweden’s best, if not THE BEST bands ever on their 40th anniversary tour by singing, dancing and clapping along, as well as cheering loudly. It was definitely one of the most gyllene summers ever! Truly unforgettable!

Since not all the fans could attend the very last show in Halmstad to hold up their TACK signs, I thought I would collect some thank you notes from fans around the world. Some of them travelled several thousands of kilometers to Sweden to see at least 1 or 2 shows, others attended more concerts and there were even a handful of hardcores who saw all or almost all gigs. Of course, it’s impossible to collect thanx thoughts from all 254 233 people who spent any time on this summer’s joyride, but all appearing in the video below represent the joy and fun we all had on tour.

Dear GT, take this VIDEO, as well as the fans’ thank you notes below as a HUGE THANK YOU for the whole tour and for 40 years of hit making and golden summers! It goes to all involved on and off stage! Your music will live forever in all our hearts and ears and … you know that you are welcome back anytime! 😉

I tried to collect the thank you notes by countries, but since GT is connecting people and there are some group thanx notes containing thoughts of fans from different countries, travelling together, you might find your note under one of your friend’s country in the list below.


Paula (originally from Argentina, but living in Sweden): Nu har alla vännerna gått hem … det är över nu … men jag kommer ihåg alla stunder med er… för evigt etsade i mig! Så många härliga minnen! STORT TACK AV HELA MITT HJÄRTA för alla dessa år av äventyr som gett oss puls, alla resor, konserter där vi dansat mycket bättre än sjömän!!! Alla skratt, upplevelser av svenska sommartider i alla dess sidor… från Tylö sun till regn på en akvarell … onekligen befinner vi oss allihopa i himmel nummer 7 nu! Taaaaaack! Hoppas ni hör ljuden av mitt och alla andra hjärtan som verkligen brinner för er, allt gjort och kommer göra! Tusen tack! Ni är helt enkelt bäst!

Flor & Eze: Vi heter Florencia och Ezequiel och bor i Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vi gifte oss i januari 2019 efter att ha träffats genom var gemensamma kärlek till Roxette för många år sedan. Tänk att även om vi bor så långt bort från Sverige, vi har lyssnat på Gyllene Tider sedan 90-talet när vi båda var tonåriga. Deras musik har varit (och fortfarande är, som början av “Ljudet av ett annat hjärta” har alltid varit Florencias ringsignal!) en stor del av våra liv. När vi fått veta att GT skulle turnera en sista gång bestämde vi att besöka Sverige och se på dem spela live för en enda gång. Vi är så tacksam och lyckliga att vi fått chansen att göra det. Tack för tre underbara och oförglömliga konserter i Halmstad och Malmö. Att Florencia fått sjunga “Gå och fiska!” på första raden i Halmstad var en dröm som blev sann, hon var så lycklig! Vi har tagit hem ett minne för livet. ¡Gracias! <3

Ines, Valentina, Lucia Matilde, Clara, Emilio och Manuel: Tack GT för detta fantastiska musikresa. Det kommer att vara svårt att glömma Ullevi, ni var den äkta svensk pop maskin!!!

Silvana: Thanks so much for such an amazing tour! Thanks for the music, love & art! Jag älskar er!

María: Thank you GT for keep making memories for life throughout all these 40 years!

Diego: I just feel so lucky of I was been  able to experience this other part of the soundtrack of my life for this one last time. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for the fun. Thank you for the ride. Thank you golden boys, we gonna miss you. Thank you!


Bradley: Hi guys I’d really like to say thank you for the music throughout the years. I have met a lot of special friends over the years at shows which has been awesome. Thanks for signing the new LP to me and my two mates that was special. Thanks for the drumsticks and plectrums and thanks for letting me backstage for a solo meet and greet in Helsingborg I will never forget that. Your music will forever play in my home . Also It was very special to be interviewed by Jan-Owe Wikström and Anders Roos for the book that’s really fantastic. Your new album is great! I can’t believe how u can fly to France for 2 weeks and release something so brilliant, I sometimes wonder what would happen if u went to the studio for a year….. then I think nah! That would not be fair to the other Swedish artists haha! Enjoy retirement it’s awesome to go it in to of your game.


Karin (from Austria), Anne (from Sweden) and Jana (from Czech Republic): Thank you for all the fun.

Connie & Judith (from RoxBlog) (Österrike), Poli (Argentina, nu: Sverige), Alex (Spanien), Nadja (Tyskland), Ktoto (Spanien): Det var sommaren 1998 – Poli, underbar människa från (då) Argentina, hade planerad en resa med några av sina brevvänner igenom Sverige – fans allihopa förstås. Gemensam satte vi fot på svensk mark för första gången… under denna resan hamnade vi så klart i Halmstad. Det var av rena slumpen att vi råkade gå på en konsert med The Husbands på Kavaljeren, där en ung Micke Syd var med den där kvällen. Ganska nervösa fick vi ta kort och småprata lite med honom då… Nu, 21 år senare, efter en oförglömlig sista spelning på Brottet, var det dags att ta en farväl bild med såväl Micke som underbara vännen Poli – jag (Nadja) själv hade inte så många tillfällen att möta nån i gänget, men fick delta i andras glädje av att vara nära de på olika sätt. Så: TACK att NI alltid varit tålmodiga mot fansen, skojade, tog oändlig många kort och lyssnade – det betyder så mycket!

Brazil & Uruguay

Flavia and Bianca (from Brazil) and Majo (from Uruguay): Tack för musiken. Ni är bäst! Vi kommer att sakna er! Kram från Sydamerika!

Canada & Belgium

Katy (from Canada) and Ann (from Belgium): Thank you for a wonderful summer and a lifetime of amazing music!

Czech Republic

Valeria and Lenka: Bästa GT, för ni är det – Per, Micke, Göran, MP o Anders – ni är ett synonym med svensk sommar för mej! Tack vare Roxette har jag en gang för länge sen upptäckt att det även fanns ett annat band – som later sa annorlunda, ända sa otroligt bra, sa jag föll direkt när jag första gangen hörde Halmstads pärlor, sen dess har jag sett er uppträda under nagra av dem vackraste somrarna, alltid i Stockholm 2004,2013,2019 – det förblir oförglömliga stunder för mej! TUSEN TACK för alla refränger, sommarkänslor, ofta pa en o samma gang – nu är det med ett vemod i hjärtat att inse att det verkligen är dags att tänka pa refrängen – men ni slutar när ni är som bäst – med flaggan i topp o sa ska det vara! GT, jag kommer alltid älska er o musiken ni gav, ett tack räcker inte – men jag säger det fran hela mitt hjärta, det som alltid brinner för er, nu när det blir lite tuffare tider för oss, alla drömmare, TACK GT!!!

Petra: Hello Per and the boys, I would like to thank you for your fantastic tour! I attended 5 shows and I enjoyed it so much! I loved every mintute, every song from the tour. 🙂 A time to remember! Best Wishes to you all 🙂

Barbora and Katka: Thank you for all the magic moments with Gyllene Tider!


Mari: Tusen tack Gyllene Tider!


Melly och Chrissie: Tack för en underbar kväll i Ullevi!!

Nicole och Nadja: För mer än 20 år sedan blev vi barnflickor i samma familj vid bästkusten, lite söder om Göteborg (Hälsningar till Helena och Claes med familj!). Det var musiken som förde oss dit. Fem musikanter från Halmstad som gjorde att vi blev interesserade av Sverige och Svenska språket mer än vanliga tyska turister som nog mest tycker om älgar (resp. vägmärken). Efter var sin tid återvände vi båda två tillbaka till Tyskland – men med Sverige i hjärtat för evigt och en vänskap som vi nu tänkte fira med våran första gemensamma GT konsert, som tyvärr skulle bli den sista på samma gång. Familjsemester bokad på Öland för den ena, hushållspengar investerad i en oplanerad småsemester utan familj för den andra. Men: det blir aldrig som man tänkt sig…  Det var Kalmar vi skulle se. Som vi alla vet, var det influensan som förstörde ungdomsdrömmen. Inte minst till barnen som också skulle följa med. Hela året hade vi väntad på… Vi blev ganska ledsna allihopa. Så tog vi en “tysk” minut istället, satt på en sten vid Östersjön vid en skog, drack vin, tittade på solnedgången och drömde om flourt…ä nej, om vilken grymt kväll det skulle ha blivit – – – Var och en fick vi till slut se ER på scen. Båda med människor som betyder mycket för oss, fast inte med varandra. Men vänskapen återstår. Och så är det inte bara musiken, känslorna och minnena vi vill tackar för. Vi säger TACK FÖR ALLA VÄNNER ni skänkte oss.

Riccardo och Andreas: Billy, Jo-Anna, Henry…Riccardo och Andreas…och alla dom andra – vad skulle blir av dom utan er?! Vi var med under många år – år av glädje, sommer och sol … och nu sista svängen… Vem kan fatta det? I alla fall inte vi! För vi hade så himla kul med er, med era sånger, under era konserter… Tack för alla dessa ögonblick!!! Önskade vi kunde fråga Henry om han har en plan för det här med. Det blir tuffa tider…

Nicole, Helgo och Per: Det blev en till semester i Kalmar inom 2 veckor, helt oplanerat. 90 mil per väg från Tyskland för en sista dans med Gyllene Tider och med samma affisch som på Återtåget turnén 1996. Den här gången med min man och vår son, men tyvärr utan vår kompis Nadja som skulle ha följt med oss på konserten som blev inställt. TACK för alla åren och roliga minnen!

Manuela and Silvana: Greetings to you from Germany!

Irina + Claudia + Stephanie & Thomas: PROSIT GT40!!! Vi ska sakna Er musik och att Ni spela live!!! TUSEN TACK och tusen kära hälsningar!

Cabby: Very tired and everything’s hurting – back, legs, feets and at least my heart. But every single second of the last 4 weeks with 12 concerts and soooooo many incredible experiences were worth it – both with you guys from Gyllene Tider and with all the friends from the front rows! TACK for your music, for beeing so kind, talking to us, making pictures… let me feeling happy!!! TACK FÖR ALLT! WILL MISS YOU!!!

Chrissie: TACK för en gyllene sommar och TACK BoJo!!! Hälsningar från Chrissie RTW (Rocking The Wheelchair)

Cabby and Chrissie: Den här GT40 sommar kommer vi aldrig att glömma!!! TACK för ALLT!

Rickie: Tack så mycket för en underbar tid <3

Rickie and Cabby: Samma skrot och korn på väg mot GT40 Avskedsturnen. Vi hade det kul och med en gyllene överaskning på Strandvägen. TACK att du kom till oss!

Tanja: Dear Per, MP, Göran, Micke & Anders! Thanks a lot for the great entertainment the last years! I enjoyed to the fullest! During your last tour I saw several concerts with my family because I wanted to introduce you to my 3 year old son before it’s too late! He liked it and he use to sing „Sommartider“ now! Gyllene Tider för Rock‘n‘Roll!

Nancy: Tack for the music!

Daniel and Alex: Thank you for this amazing GT40 tour. It’s been a pleasure to be part of this last Sommartider journey. You totally rocked. How big and cool was Ullevi?! Still impressed! Thanx for the music, the countless reasons for travelling to Sweden, for being such an important part of our musical education and for being the kind and funny guys you’ve always been. We have been following Gyllene Tider’s music and history since the early 90s and for sure will do so forever. Sad to see you go – but happy we’ve been there so many times and grateful for the sound of one of the greatest swedish bands of all times. We loved every single note. Dankeschön, macht’s gut.

Ülfet & Ugur:

You made us laugh, you made us cry,
You made us sing along and jump up high 😉
Tack for the magnificent shows- we enjoyed them a lot! GT may have finished their tour after 40 years, but what remains is the gorgeous music & true love! Tack för allt!

Christian: Thank you for 40 years of inspiration. I enjoyed your concerts so much. Will miss this summer vibes.

Vera & Chris: Thank you for the last 4 amazing tours! #memoriesforever

Sandra: A huge thanks goes to the guys and girls on stage and also everyone off stage who made GT40 possible. It was the most fantastic final GT tour one can think of. So many memories that came up from the tours in 1996, 2004 and 2013 and so many new wonderful memories that have been added. I will miss it badly but I also feel glad and blessed that I had the chance to be part of it for one last time. TACK!!!!!!


Patrícia (from RoxBlog): RoxBlog was there! Haha. Indeed. And enjoyed every second of all 19 shows to the full! When I first heard about Gyllene Tider in 1994 and got a copied Moderna Tider cassette from one of my friends’ father after he visited Sweden that year, I had been longing for seeing the band live one day. The first time I could see you on stage was in 2013. The premiere gig in Halmstad back then was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Never thought that 6 years later I already have to say goodbye to you. Tack GT för 19 grymma och oförglömliga konserter! Kommer att sakna er! Jag vill aldrig att musiken ska tystna, jag kommer aldrig sluta lyssna på era låtar. Tack för alla hitsen och alltid positiva vibbar!

Gyöngyvér: My second tour with GT; 14 concerts, 200+ hours of queueing, many nights with just a few hours of sleep 🙂 & I would start it again any time! 🙂 I hope you know you’re one of the best bands ever existed in this Universe! I am lucky I could see you live! Our life wouldn’t quite be the same without your music! Special thanks to Micke Syd for taking the time to greet us in Leif’s, you don’t know how much it meant to me! I will cherish this memory forever! “So much to mention but you can’t find the words…” I’m greatful, happy and sad. I’ll never forget the adventures on the tours, the music, the energy and love from the stage,  and I’ll live in hope it wasn’t the last tour! 😉 I am wishing you all good health and happinnes in your lives!


Auryte (from Lithuania, living in Denmark) and Eliza (from Poland, living in Sweden): Tack för musiken, för magiska konserter, för vännerna, för de underbara minnen. De tar aldrig slut, de stannar kvar för evigt i våra hjärtan. Tack för gyllene tider.


Sandra: Thanks so much for four amazing shows. I am very happy that I could be part of this amazing farewell tour. Goodbye!


Monica and Arnhild: Takk for 40 år med fantastisk musikk, Gyllene Tider! Dere sprer glede og varme, og alt dere har gjort vil vi for alltid gjemme i våre hjerter.

Elisabeth og Monica: En gång i livet möter du nån som ändrar det som sker, som ändrar det du det ser….. TAKK Gyllene Tider. Per, Mats, Micke, Göran og Anders for at dere og musikken deres har vært med oss nesten hele vårt liv, som et soundtrack til livet vårt. I alle livets opp og nedturer finnes det en Gyllene Tider låt som passer. Vi er Monica fra Namsos til venstre, og Elisabeth fra Bergen til høyre. Helt fremst er Marianne, søster til Elisabeth. Ikke så dedikert, men var på sin første GT konsert på selveste Ullevi nå og digget det! Vi er fra Norge såklart. Garantert de største fansene fra Norge! Takket være Per ble vi to kjent og fikk vennskap for livet selv om det er drøyt 80 mil mellom oss. Historien vår startet i 1992 når Elisabeth sendte ut en kontaktannonse/etterlysning til bladet TOPP hvor hun etterlyste Monica som hadde vært avbildet under «jeg møtte en kjendis» sidene i samme blad, der hun var avbildet etter et stjernemøte med Per. Misunnelig til tusen men nysgjerrig på å finne en like dedikert fan som den unge Elisabeth på den gang 11 år ble starten på et langt vennskap hvor vi har delt mange konserter sammen, og før i tiden, kasser på kasser med brev! I brevene oppdaterte vi hverandre på det som var skrevet i Okej, Topp osv. og byttet posters, kassetter, opptak og VHS filmer med tv opptreden og konserter. Vi lærte oss svensk som en bonus, livet var herlig og ubekymret. Og postmenn både i Bergen og Namsos var sikret jobb så lenge det ble produsert noe på vestkysten av Sverige. Tenk så vakker musikk er, som fører mennesker sammen! Vi feiret 25 år med vennskap sammen på Ullevi nesten helt fremst, etter 7 timer i kø. Så verdt det, kvelden var et fyrverkeri av en fest, et høydepunkt og en drøm som gikk i oppfyllelse. Jeg vil på vegne av meg og Monica takke for musikken, de nydelige tekstene, og takk for at vi har fått følge dere i så mange år! Det å være så trofast og dedikerte som fan er noe veldig spesielt og fint, og noe denne generasjonen aldri vil forstå. Mine barn bare rister på hodet og forstår ikke hvordan man kan høre på samme sanger i 30 år. Takk for en fin reise, ringen er sluttet, men for all del, vi ses igjen! Tror vi…. Eller håper…. Kanskje på Bettans bar en sommerdag i juni, hvem vet. Lova at ni aldrig glömmer bort oss, vi glömmer aldrig er………..


Tomasz (from RoxBlog): Gyllene Tider for rock’n’roll! Got to know the band properly around 15 years ago with Finn Fem Fel album and during this crazy phase of myself learning Swedish… First I saw these guys in 2010 in Halmstad during Roxette revival gig. Then fast forward to 2013 and 2019 tours, 9 concerts in 5 cities, travelling back and forth to Poland. What a journey it was! I understand that all good things must come to an end, but hey, why did it happen to Gyllene Tider?! Fattar ni vad det handlar om?! Big thanks to everyone involved: Anders, Göran, Mats, Micke and Per in the first place for bringing these great tunes to life – live. And thank you to all my Rox-GT friends – Patricia, Basia, Sandra, Slawek, Lukasz, Eliza, Auryte and whoever I met, greeted and sang with. See you around. Music lives on.

Basia: Thanks for making yet another summer an unforgettable memory for lifetime. It was a pleasure to be part of it, sharing the best moments with people on and off stage. There is nothing better than friendship,  passion and music – and we had it all for those few weeks, sharing joy and happiness of being in the very right place in the very right time with the very right people…. and it was like that. The very last “När alla vännerna gått hem” in Halmstad was one of the most magical moments ever. Thanks for making it all happen! Tack tack tack! From Poland with <3


Kate: Kära Per, Micke Syd, Anders, MP, Göran! Tack så mycket för denna turné. I was very lucky to see you in Halmstad on the first concert of the tour. And the rain made it even more unforgettable. It only proved that the joy and happiness that you bring overcomes everything and it’s worth the wait, rain and cold all the way), Stockholm, Karlstad, Eskilstuna… Wish the list would be longer… Even though it’s a farewell tour ( I really don’t like to think of it), GT stays forever with me as big part of my life as it’s been for the most of my life. The happiest and important moments in my life are connected with you. And min svenska definitely gets better with every GT tour)). Love you forever!

Masha: Tusen tack!!!!! Dearest Gyllene Tider!!! Per, Micke Syd, Anders, Göran! It’s always a privilege to see you LIVE. I feel at home at your concerts, so happy, so at my place. Love you forever!!!

Evgeny: 1000 T A C K för allt! Ni är bäst (när det gäller).

Julia, Evgeny and Sergey: Tack för ni är så kul och het!

Yana (Russia/Sweden), Alex (Ukraine/Sweden), Christian (Germany), David (Germany): Thank you for the music that we are keeping in our hearts from early childhood and it will stay there forever. Your music breaks any borders and unites nations into one big world of joy and happiness. P.S. from Yana and Alex. Anders you are hot!!

Mikael: Tack Gyllene Tider för att göra mitt liv ful av den här fantastiska musiken, kärlek och trevlighet! Jag är så glad att 15 av dessa 40 år ni var med mig. Tack! Tack! Tack!

Alexey: Opening GT concert in Halmstad was my first and last time I’ve seen you. I was empowered by your drive and energy, I really felt like I can do everything. Incredible feelings and emotions, many many thanks for letting me feel so alive!


My heart is in Halmstad, my heart is not here;
My heart is in Halmstad watching Gyllene Tider;
Watching Gyllene Tider, from the very first row;
My heart is in Halmstad, wherever I go.
Farewell to my Halmstad, farewell to the North,
The birthplace of Gessle, the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
Best concerts at Brottet, forever I love.


Mariana, Alex, Ktoto, Judith, Rosa, Caridad, Carlos (from Spain), Nadja (from Germany), Connie (from Austria), Mattias, Candela, Paula (from Argentina-Sweden): Tusen tack ska ni ha! Tack för alla dessa gyllene år! År av musik, resor, konserter, träffar med vänner, så många goa skratt!… och alla minnen som kommer leva i oss för evigt! Ni är bäst! Älskar er!


Christel och Åsa: Vi vill tacka för en fantastisk sommar som vi aldrig kommer att glömma! Vi har dansat, sjungit, skrattat och gråtit med en under 14 underbara kvällar den här sommaren. För att göra det möjligt så har det blivit många mil för turnébilen att rulla, galet mycket fler timmar i kö än vi vågar tänka på och ett antal nätter med extremt dålig sömn. Vi har vandrat i sommarregn och njutit i solsken. Men inget av det spelar någon roll när vi står där längst fram och vi får ögonkontakt med någon av er om så bara för en tiondels sekund. Den glädje ni har spridit bara genom att göra det ni är bäst på gör alla våra strapatser värda det, men våra familjer är eventuellt av en annan åsikt. Nu när turnén är över och vi har sagt hej då till Gyllene Tider känns allt tomt, så tomt. Allt som finns kvar nu är massor av underbara minnen från våra 40-åriga liv. Ja, Gyllene Tider har funnits med hela våra liv. Ni har funnits där som tröst, glädjespridare och trygghet i hela vår uppväxt och våra vuxna liv. Vad ska vi göra nu när vi har sagt hej då till vår uppväxt? Livet går såklart vidare, men det kommer vara lite tristare, lite gråare och tyvärr ganska mycket mer normalt. Vi hoppas ni förstår hur mycket ni och er musik har betytt för oss i våra liv. Tack för allt!!!

Camilla (from Sweden) and Thorsten (from Germany): ”Det är över nu”?! Är det verkligen så, har svårt att riktigt förstå… Den här sommaren har varit såå fantastisk, you guys are the best!! Vilken glädje och energi, både hos er och oss i publiken, energiboost! (I ur och skur) TACK för alla år, GYLLENE TIDER är och kommer alltid att vara svensk sommar!! By the way, You understand it’s ok to change your mind, right?!

Åsa J.: Have so much to thank about. Been there from The beginning! And I Just love Gyllene Tider. Over all I want to thank Göran Fritzin, my biggest idol. Just love them!

Peter och Carola: Tack för 40 år av fantastiska låtar, grymma turnéer och underbara minnen!

Jonathan: Tack för en fantastisk sommar, en ovärderlig låtskatt och för alla oförglömliga tider!

Angelica: Tack Gyllene Tider för 16 fina år! Ni har gett mig så mycket.

Liselotte och Anna-Karin: Som nyblivna GT-fans vid 11-års ålder, svor vi med ett barns naivitet att alltid vara trogna fans. Nu, 38 år senare, kan vi konstatera att det blev så. Vi träffades på en konsert 1982 och har varit bästa vänner sedan dess. Ni har präglat vår vänskap och er musik har alltid varit med oss genom alla faser i livet såsom barndom, tonårstid, familjebildande, jobbiga tider och gyllene tider. Er musik har format oss och gjort oss till dom vi är idag. GT, tack för musiken! Vi älskar er.

Victoria och Daniel: Tack för underbar musik och helt underbara konserter. Det kommer att vara ett tomrum efter er som inte går att fylla. Vi hoppas innerligen på ett GT50. Hoppas att vi ses.

Jimmy: Jag står i evighetsskuld till Gyllene Tider. Min fru och jag träffades på en kurs i svenska. Om hon inte hade varit förtjust i Gyllene Tider i många år, om hon inte hade lärt sig svenska för att kunna alla låtar utantill, skulle vi aldrig ha träffats! Tusen tack!

Erina (Russia / Sweden): Kära Per, Micke, Anders, Göran och MP! När jag (en småstadsflicka från Ryssland) var 16, upptäckte jag er musik och då började mitt liv förändras. Nu vet jag att så manga underbara saker bara har hänt tack vare er alla. Förra juli gifte jag mig i Tylösand och nu bor jag med min älskade man Jimmy i Umeå (fast jag drömmer fortfarande om ett litet hus på bästkusten 😉 ). Vi skulle aldrig ha träffats om jag inte hade börjat läsa språket! Jag har världens bästa vänner med vilka jag har rest runt om i Sverige i sista 12 år bara för att se er spela live. Mitt liv är som jag har tänkt mig. Tack för att ni hjälpte mig tro på att drömmar kan bli till verklighet. Er underbara musik är ett ljudspår i mitt liv, den spelar dagen runt i mitt hjärta och är en stödpelare när jag är i nöd. Jag är oerhört tacksam för allt. Jag älskar er och kommer alltid vänta och hoppas på en ny turné.


Inga-Kerstin: När beskedet kom att ni ska ge er ut på turné en sista gång var det inte alls självklart att det skulle gå vägen för mig att få se en av era konserter. Jag är 39 år gammal och kommer från Schweiz och är rullstolsburen. Jag är ett stort Roxette fan sedan 90-talet och då kan man ju inte undgå Gyllene Tider, och svenska språket heller, vilket jag jätte gärna använder så ofta jag kan. Jag fick se fyra fantastiska konserter med er genom åren; 2004, 2013 och jag fick nu ännu en grym kväll i Helsingborg på Sofiero Slott med min kära vän Anne som jag nog aldrig hade träffat om ni inte fanns. Er musik är Sverige sommar Tylösun glädje men mest… KÄRLEK. Tack för alla låtar som kommer föralltid vara en del av mitt liv. Ett specielt stort tack till Micke Syd för trumpinnarna och det fina samtalet mitt i natten. Du kommer altid vara Sveriges snällaste trumslagarpojke för mig. <3

Jörg: Tack för musiken. Tack för att du dansar. Tack till GT-flickorna (Dea und Malin) för all den positiva energin.

Karin: Thank you for 5 wonderful concerts. It was a fantastic joyride. I will never forget it and makes me so incredibly happy! Tusen tack!


Ailsa: Skål!! Thank you for the music, friendship and unforgettable memories. It may be over now, but wow it was fun! TUSEN TACK!!

Ally: 27 years of listening to GT, translating songs from a cassette back in 1992 sent via a German penpal, to seeing you perform live for the first time in 2004 and meeting you guys backstage in Stockholm. GT’s music will always have a special place in my heart. This years tour was amazing, the perfect ending to some amazing music. Tusen Tack GT!

Jackie: Tack GT, for some fantastic music! Your music will live on!


In case your message can’t be found above, but you would like me to add yours too, please, send me an e-mail to /PP

Watch the fans’ “thank you” video HERE!

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Halmstad – 10th August 2019 – #19

Who would have thought that the tour will come to an end so fast? Last night we had the most emotional closing gig one can imagine! 19 shows in 17 towns in 2 countries, 28 different songs performed live by  7 most amazing and most energetic musicians accompanied by sing-along crowds! That was one hell of a tour!

We always thought that the tour should end in Sweden, even if the first last gig was announced to happen in Norway. Fortunately, after a while the band decided to do a real last show in Sweden, at the place where it all began, in Halmstad. This way GT played 3 concerts in their hometown of which the first two sold out in no time and the last also attracted 10000 people and became a very special one.

Changes vs. the first 2 Halmstad concerts already began with the support act. Chris Kläfford got sick, so he had to cancel his performance and the other Halmstad support act, who we already saw twice in Halmstad and once in Gothenburg, Christof Jeppsson took over and played for 30 minutes before Gyllene Tider. His warming up the crowd was great!

The weather was not on our side on the premiere gig in Halmstad, then the next day we had a concert in the sun. Yesterday the weather forecast said rain all day and for 2 weeks from then on, but except for the heavy showers during the day and pouring rain at the time when the gates were opening at 6 pm and some short raining moments until the concert started, we had a great night. One couldn’t ask for more, to be able to focus totally on what’s happening on stage and not caring about any ponchos or whatever.

The band had a live soundcheck at 5 pm. We could hear (and see) them rehearsing Vill ha ett svar! and Marie i växeln. We saw Niklas Strömstedt at Hotel Tylösand before, so we thought he might be a guest artist for the night. Then at the soundcheck we could be sure about it, because he joined the guys on rehearsing Marie i växeln. When we heard what songs they rehearsed, we applauded and cheered them. Micke Syd thanked for it shouting into his mic. Haha. The security team set up some more fences to hide the view to the stage from the outside, so then we all had to leave and get back to the line at the entrance.

The gang hit the stage at 9 pm, as usual, to the intro tune of the Pink Panther Theme. Front row fans were holding up ”SISTA DANSEN SISTA CHANSEN” letter by letter at the very beginning. Micke Syd recognized it and showed thumbs up. The others were probably more occupied with the starting of the show.

Those who saw all 3 shows in Halmstad got 3 different setlists. The last setlist was different to all other sets too, which is too cool. To have a special setlist for the last show. Instead of Skicka ett vykort, älskling they opened with Vill ha ett svar! At last! We expected this song to be played since we first heard them rehearsing it in Linköping. And there you go! It rocked big time! Another addition was Marie i växeln. We could already hear this song live on the GT40 tour, but not in this arrangement. Niklas Strömstedt joined the guys and girls on stage for this song and the audience went wild. It was an incredibly energetic performance! After the song Per said Niklas wrote the text to it and they did this song together in 1912. Haha. We got 24 songs last night and this means that both encores consisted of 3 songs, so Billy was also performed and they didn’t skip Tylö Sun either. The set had a great flow and the crowd didn’t stop cheering the band and sing along to all songs. It was a loud experience.

Per talked to the crowd after Juni, juli, augusti and said it’s the last show on tour and it’s sad, but lovely at the same time. The crowd couldn’t stop shouting ”ojojoj ojojojoj ojojojojojojojoj” before Per started talking before Vandrar i ett sommarregn. It was amazing. The band loved it too.

I will miss the intro talking of Micke Syd before Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! so much. He should really come up with a stand up show in the future. Haha. He talked lovely about his wife, Helena and the song itself. And for one last time, he could put on his shiny jacket and sing.

There was a shocking moment at the concert. We were used to be worried about Marie during the Roxette concerts that she wouldn’t fall over, but we never had this with Per. Now we could almost get a heart attack when he fell over during En sten vid en sjö i en skog. I’m not sure there was anything on the stage that caused it, because the crew always pays so much attention to make everything nice on stage, even the small staples they usually pull out of the stage’s surface to make sure no such thing can happen. So I would say it was rather either the adrenalin or Per being exhausted after an incredibly busy last week with almost no days off. 7 gigs in 9 days, hey! Rock ’n’ roll! Fortunately, he could get up in a few seconds and go on in his Duracell bunny style during the whole remaining show. Superhero! Haha. His guitar just had to be switched to another one. I guess it got tuned out because of the falling.

Some minutes later there was a funnier moment. It was when he was licking a guitar pick to make it stick more to the finger, but he already started singing with the pick in his mouth. Too cool!

Before När alla vännerna gått hem Per thanked the crew, Live Nation, the management and the fans for their support over the past 40 years. During his talking, fans were holding up ”TACK” signs (it was the idea of long-time fan, Tina Engmann and Basia Konarzewska helped her with the physical prints to be handed out to fans with instructions when to hold up the signs). The whole band loved it. Since my tour mate, Sandra Knope and me attended all 19 concerts on tour, we wanted to make a special sign for them, so we held up our own TACK signs during the last song. The fun thing was that when we were preparing it at Hotel Tylösand, Micke Syd was coming to us, so we had to hide it and we laughed and he laughed. But once he saw all the TACK signs held up by all fans at the concert, he couldn’t hold back his tears. He brought some drumsticks to the front to hand it out to fans in the front. It was so nice of him and made many people very happy to get such a goodbye present at the last show. Micke asked one fan to hand over a TACK sign to him and he held it up on stage.

Actually, everyone got quite emotional during the last song, of course. Many fans were crying after the show, realizing the fact that this was the very last time they could see their favourite band live.

After the show, the band had a closing party at Hotel Tylösand and since it’s a tradition that fans go to Leif’s when there is any concert in Halmstad, we also went there to have a party and say goodbye to each other. The band members arrived one after another and were stopped by the fans for a small talk or a photo. Micke Syd was the coolest among them. He was walking around Leif’s quite often, went to all the groups of fans and had some talk with them. He is one most lovely person. This morning, when we had breakfast at the hotel, he came to us to say hi and while he was talking to us, a woman took pictures of him from the table next to us. When we said goobye, he stepped to the woman and asked her if she filmed him. The woman was a bit distracted and then shocked by Micke Syd’s suggestion to take a selfie together. Haha. After Micke left, the woman was crying of happiness. Amazing!

It was an incredibly professional, wonderful tour. Enjoyed every second of it. Det är över nu and it couldn’t have had a most beautiful ending. Hats off to all on and off stage! It stays a memory for life in everyone’s heart I’m sure.


  1. Vill ha ett svar!
  2. Juni, juli, augusti
  3. Det hjärta som brinner
  4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
  5. Flickorna på TV2
  6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
  7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
  8. Det kändes inte som maj
  9. Marie i växeln (with Niklas Strömstedt as guest artist)
  10. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
  11. Tuffa tider


  1. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
  2. Kung av sand
  3. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
  4. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
  5. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
  6. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet
  7. Tylö Sun

Encore 1

  1. Billy
  2. Det är över nu
  3. Gå & fiska!

Encore 2

  1. När vi två blir en
  2. Sommartider
  3. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

HELLO WE MUST BE GOING! Oj vilket emotionellt fyrverkeri det blev på Brottet i Halmstad igår. Över 10.000 pers kom o spenderade några timmar i Gyllene Tiders varma småstadsbubbla. Underbart.

Det blev en annorlunda konsert. Lite nya låtar dök upp och Nicholas von Strömstedt hjälpte oss med “Marie i växeln” (som han o jag skrev texten ihop till 1979!). Och bandet börjar låta riktigt bra nu!!!!! Tight och självklart. Lite sådär “på tå” som ett ungt popband ska göra, hahaha!

Vi skulle vilja tacka alla er som kommit och hjälpt oss att göra den här turne’n till den i särklass coolaste och bästa GT-turne’n i historien. Ni är helt fantastiska som står där längst fram och bara öser ur er energi, kärlek och spontanitet. Om ni någon gång tror att “det spelar ingen roll”… så har ni fel!!! Det betyder otroligt mycket för oss! Obetalbart.

Life goes on, GT tar Blå Buss #3 tillbaka till sitt pojkrum med en termos och småkakor tätt intill. Kanske hälsar vi på Henry i hans tvåa på Nyhem, vem vet? Han behöver verkligen en cookie!

Det har sannerligen varit en härlig gyllene resa med en sprakande start för 40 år sedan och ett ännu härligare avslut. Musiken finns kvar, vi också. Och ni med! See you around!

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Fredrikstad – 9th August 2019 – #18

Originally, Fredrikstad would have been the closing gig on the GT40 tour, even if no one believed Gyllene Tider should end their 40-year-long career in Norway. The concert was sold out quite fast, so it had to be moved to a bigger venue and yes, that got sold out soon too. 10000 people got hold of a ticket for the show.

The gates opened at 4 pm, but most of the people queueing were there to find a seat on a bench close to the drinks and food court. There were 2 support acts and the first (they were singing their own songs) started at 18:40, the other started some minutes after the first act ended. The latter band performed covers and they sounded quite cool.

Per, as usual, talked to the audience for the first time after Juni, juli, augusti, but before that, Micke N-S came and changed his guitars and checked the prompter, because it probably didn’t show the things it should. Mr. G went out to tell MNS about it already during the song. So when he started talking he thanked the crowd for waiting for GT for so long and mentioned that Fredrikstad is actually one of their very last shows. He asked the people to sing along and dance if they find the place for that. I was in the 2nd row now and it was tight there too.

I don’t know what happened to the black and white Rickenbacker Mr. G always plays on Det hjärta som brinner, but during the song there was a very quick guitar change. MNS came up on stage and like a shot from a gun, Per took his Rickenbacker off and grabbed the other black guitar and played on. It stayed for Puls and Flickorna på TV2 too.

During Det kändes inte som maj (which rocks live big time!) MP started a bigger circle around the stage and Per joined in the fun. He was following MP until he got back to his own position on the left.

Micke Syd’s intro talking to Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! was entertaining again and hey, even if he got the lyrics sticked on the stage now, he didn’t have to look at it. By the end of the tour he seems to have learnt the lyrics. Well done! When we met, I asked him about the lyrics in Trondheim, why he didn’t have them sticked on the stage floor. He said it was simply forgotten to be taken inside from the truck. Haha. The finger smacking and swinging worked well on this crowd too.

When Per stopped to talk before Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly, he couldn’t start talking right ahead, because the audience started on with the ojojoj ojojojoj ojojojojojojoj. It was so loud and the band was happy to hear the crowd reaction. It happened several times during the concert. Per said they leave the 80’s and go on with the 70’s. And play some disco. Fast reaction to that was a short disco drum session by Micke Syd. It was funny and a nice little addition.

I always think the band reached their highest level of performing at the actual show I attend, but they can always top it. And that with hardly any days off between the gigs during the past few days. They are a.m.a.z.i.n.g., all them 7 wonderful people!

The setlist was exactly the same as in Trondheim: 21 songs, only 1 encore. At the end of the gig Anders Roos took a picture of the 5 guys with their backs towards the audience. That’s what they skipped in Ullevi.

Fredrikstad was a fab show, but I’m happy that it wasn’t the last stop on tour in the end. Gosh! It was anyway the second to last show! Sista chansen, sista dansen tonight in Halmstad! There are still a few tickets left, so get yourself one if you haven’t decided yet about coming to the concert.


1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
2. Juni, juli, augusti
3. Det hjärta som brinner
4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
5. Flickorna på TV2
6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
8. Det kändes inte som maj
9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
10. Tuffa tider


11. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
12. Kung av sand
13. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet


17. Det är över nu
18. Gå & fiska!
19. När vi två blir en
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

FREDRIKSTAD!! Wow! Vilken fantastiskt ynnest att få spela i er vackra stad och få den här responsen. Tack alla 10000+ som dök upp igår och sjöng och dansade med oss. Vilken kväll det blev, sköna spontana inpass från bandet blandat med enorm allsång från alla er! Svårt att toppa!!! Nu är vi tillbaka på hemmaplan i Halmstad och ska försöka avsluta GT40-turne’n med bravur ikväll på Brottet. Kommer att bli grymt! See ya there! /Love from GT

Gyllene Tider – GT40 – Trondheim – 8th August 2019 – #17

After 1 day off, the band travelled to Norway, actually almost to the end of the world, Trondheim. The weather forecast said it would be raining all day, so we got prepared for a poncho party, but fortunately, the forecast changed every hour and in the end, believe it or not, the rain started falling only half an hour after the gig ended. Yay!

When we got to the venue, no one was waiting in the line. That’s Norwegian style, we expected it to be like this. We went to drink something at a restaurant nearby and I asked the owner how big Gyllene Tider in Norway is, because I knew that Sommartider is a big hit in the country, but other than that I had no clue. I also know that the last time GT played live in Norway was in the beginning of the 80’s. The owner said they are very big, mainly their 80’s hits. Good! After 5 pm people started queueing and from the line we could see the band arriving at 17:45. The gates opened at 6 pm and we thought it would be the easiest entrance ever. Haha. It wasn’t. We started walking in, but then the security guys inside showed us a long long way uphill that we should go further there, because the closer way was for the VIP and fast track people only. Gosh… Then I realized that there was another entrance and people were let in through that too. That was a fun running race for some of us uphill then downhill. But we could still reach the best spots in the front.

This time there was a Norwegian support act, a band from Trondheim, The Kids. There are some similarities between them and GT. E.g. they were founded 40 years ago, they broke up, but had a comeback in 1996, there were 5 guys and 2 girls on stage etc. BUT… they were a bit surreal. The singer changed his stage outfit for each song, so once we could see him as an Indian, then as a cowboy, etc.There was one point when a ”nurse” – a guy in a weird mask came up on stage and tried to give an injection to all members of the band. Then I started thinking: ”what the hell is that I’m seeing…?” Oh well. At least they were entertaining. The singer anyway looked like a Steven Tyler wannabe. Some of his actions / moves on stage made me think, if only Per would do that or this, but… that will never happen. Haha. Oh and they played for an hour!

After they left the stage, the crew had 1 hour to remove The Kids’ instruments and stage elements and set up GT’s stuff. The stage was very small and there were no 5 screens in the background, but 1 bigger this time. I was wondering how the projection would look on that setting. They could manage it quite well. The GT40 sign with the star in the middle they projected as if there were 5 separate screens, but during the songs most of the projections were complete big pictures in the background, not divided into 5 parts. There were 2 screens on the sides as well, just like in other venues before, for showing those in the back what’s happening on stage and also showing the audience every now and then.

Per talked in Swedish of course. It’s still so cool that Norwegians and Swedes can understand each other’s languages so well that they can speak their own and the other will always know what they are talking about. After Juni, juli, augusti Mr. G greeted the crowd and told this is GT’s last verse, the tour is getting towards its end. He asked the people to sing along if they knew the lyrics.

The audience was loud, but not really a singing-along crowd. They shouted and cheered for the guys and girls and the songs. They were very good at that.

A certain songwriter wrote 2 complicated lines in Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång. It’s not the first time the Jumbo-taxi lines are either mixed or changed to some nanana singing. Last nite it was the latter and it was great to see that PG got over this so easily. Always lovely to experience such differences. Those 2 lines sounded cool this way too.

It was a bit cold and Per was constantly sipping from his ginger tea while on stage. I think he was even chewing on ginger. You know, some chew on guitar picks, some on ginger. But it was so strong he started coughing. And his voice slipped a bit on Tuffa tider. It felt that it was because of the cold. I do hope that he drinks enough ginger tea anyway, not that he gets a cold or influenza again at the end of the tour. Stay strong, Per and keep your voice safe! 2(+1) gigs to go! 😉

The band presentation was a bit different vs. all the gigs before. Micke Syd was so excited to be in the front in Trondheim that he forgot to introduce Per. Haha. But his intro talking to Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga! was fun and I was impressed by the fact that he didn’t have the lyrics sticked on the stage floor now, but he sang the song without any mistake. Norway do you good. Yeah! The finger smacking and swinging worked well on parts of the crowd. Looked good.

The lighting and projection timings were not on top last night. The band members remained dark quite some times and the projection for example for Puls was still on while it was already Flickorna på TV2 playing. It wasn’t disturbing though. Those who saw the show for the first time didn’t even realize there was anything ”wrong”.

The setlist was the 21-song version, but this time there was only 1 encore. After the gang came back on stage Per asked the audience if they wanted more, if they weren’t freezing, if there were no mosquitoes. The latest mosquito gigs remained memorable for him for sure. Haha.

It was all worth the travelling to this show on one hand because of seeing the differences vs. the other concerts on tour so far, on the other hand seeing that the band gets better and better at each show. They were so much in harmony with each other and their playing was top!

Åsa was there and filmed many songs, but she couldn’t get to the front too easily because there was only a tiny space between the stage and the front row.

One more gig in Norway, the second to last show on tour will happen in Fredrikstad today. Time flies when you’re having fun!


1. Skicka ett vykort, älskling
2. Juni, juli, augusti
3. Det hjärta som brinner
4. (Hon vill ha) Puls
5. Flickorna på TV2
6. Vandrar i ett sommarregn
7. (Dansar inte lika bra som) Sjömän
8. Det kändes inte som maj
9. Flickan i en Cole Porter-sång
10. Tuffa tider


11. Låt denna trumslagarpojke sjunga!
12. Kung av sand
13. En sten vid en sjö i en skog
14. Ljudet av ett annat hjärta
15. Ska vi älska, så ska vi älska till Buddy Holly
16. (Kom så ska vi) Leva livet


17. Det är över nu
18. Gå & fiska!
19. När vi två blir en
20. Sommartider
21. När alla vännerna gått hem

All pics in the article are taken by Patrícia Peres.

GT after the show:

TRONDHEIM. Hurra vad kul vi hade igår kväll i Sverresborg. Skönsjungande, högljudd och märkbart lycklig publik + supertajt band = Pent!
Gyllene Tider har inte spelat i Norge sen början av 80-talet och det är faktiskt helt fantastiskt att låtarna fortfarande lever kvar. Tack alla.
Ikväll blir det åka av i Fredriksstad. Be there or be square.