World Tour 2011: Stuttgart, Germany – October 17 #60

Concert #60!!

Comment from Roxette

Fab gig in Stuttgart. Superb crowd with mighty voices. Thanx everyone for joining the party!!! Tomorrow we’ll do TV somewhere else. Can’t remember where.


01. Dressed For Success
02. Sleeping In My Car
03. The Big L.
04. Wish I Could Fly
05. Only When I Dream
06. She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)
07. Soul deep (medley with SGNO)
08. Perfect Day
09. Things Will Never Be The Same
10. It Must Have Been Love
11. Opportunity Nox
12. 7twenty7
13. Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave)
14. Crash! Boom! Bang!
15. How Do You Do!
16. Dangerous
Band presentation
17. Joyride (introduced with “Auf de Schwäbsche Eisebahne”)

18. Watercolours In The Rain
19. Spending My Time
20. The Look

21. Listen To Your Heart
22. Church Of Your Heart


Wish I Could Fly, Only When I Dream, She’s Got Nothing On, Joyride part 1 , part 2 , The Look part 1 , part 2 , Listen to Your Heart , Church of Your Heart

Articles and photos

Stuttgarter Nachrichten

Stuttgarter Zeitung


Joyriders World blog


About 7,000 people were attending the concert (according to Stuttgarter Nachrichten) which is about half of the venue’s capacity.
Helena came up to some fans waiting in front of the venue before the concert and had a chat with them. Chris gave his everything during the show although he had injured his leg due to “too many sexy high jumps on stage” (Per Gessle).
The chemistry between Marie and the fans, again, was very special – the few times she forgot one or two words she’d just look at the people in the front rows and they’d help her out. Also, she seemed so much stronger and confident than in Neckarsulm only four months before. As Per keeps saying in his interviews, it really looked as though Marie was enjoying and relishing every second on stage. After her solo songs “Perfect Day” and “Watercolours in the Rain” the applause didn’t seem to end and you could tell that she was both relieved and proud of the amazing reception she got.
The concert was a breathtaking experience: deeply moving and great fun at the same time. Per and the Band were definitely in charge of the latter. Fans who are still waiting to go to a concert had better look forward to it! They’re in for a superb evening!

Thanks Mr. Jefferson for contributing to this article!

NOTP tour: Stuttgart, December 3, #28

We need your help. Each and every concert will have a such topic. If you find something connected with this particular gig, post it in the comment section. Thanks for your help and cooperation!


Per Gessle’s comments:

Wunderbar Stuttgart show last night. Marie was tip-top! Played this big venue many times before, always a great crowd. 3 x Frankfurt now.

Official videos:

Fans stories:


Already the fact that I’d really see Roxette on stage was unbelievable! I became a fan pretty late and so I had never seen them on stage so far. And some months ago I would have never counted on still having this chance once in my life and now one of my biggest dreams should really come true. So you can imagine how nervous I was the days before the concert and of course also on December 3rd.

I almost couldn’t wait for the evening! After many hours of waiting the before evening finally arrived. With some presents for the best singer under this sun, Marie Fredriksson, I went to the Schleyerhalle. There I met some other fans I talked to until the show started. I was very excited when the Night of the Proms finally begun! It was pretty hard to concentrate on the acts before Roxette. Everything in my head was saying: “ROXETTE; ROXETTE; ROXETTE!!!”.

Then the orchestra played the “Midsommarvaka” and I thought it would be nice if Roxette appeared after a Swedish piece of music. And surprisingly the “Midsommarvaka” really turned into “Wish I Could Fly”. With the orchestra the song sounded like a hymn and to this hymn Marie was coming out of the ground. This moment was so magical! The only thing which was on my mind in this moment was that Marie looked like an angel on her chair and that therefore she should better come from heaven than out of the ground! 😛 Suddenly I realized that people were running to the stage (I saw such a movement for the first time on that evening and realized a bit too late what was going on down there) and so I took my camera and did the same. I thought I’d die when I was walking to this hymn to the stage. Surprisingly I was still alive when I arrived near the stage 😀 And so I could finally enjoy Roxette on stage – for the first time in my life! I was so fascinated by everything and particularly by Marie’s great voice… wow! But as always the nicest moments are over too soon again and like this it was with “Wish I Could Fly” too. After the song Roxette received the evening’s warmest applause. Marie said: “Thank you very much!” and Per said that it was great to be there and that they’d be back after the break.

And how they were back…! The second time they came on stage, they really rocked the hall! Although Per didn’t feel good, he gave his best and did a great job. And Marie was in a top shape anyway. It almost felt a bit as if she said to herself that she needed to give 200 % now when Per probably couldn’t give completely 100 %. Well… I don’t know… maybe I’m also wrong (I’m not experienced in seeing Marie live :P)… she’s great anyway. In any case I liked their performance a lot! And I didn’t seem to be the only one who felt like this. People sang along to their hits and some fans shouted: “We love you, Marie!”, whereupon she had to laugh so much. When Roxette were leaving the stage again, some people wanted them to play another song and shouted: “Encore, encore, encore!”. But of course they didn’t gave an encore. I could imagine that Per was happy that he “survived” the songs they had to sing. Because right after “Listen To Your Heart” he went back to the hotel and Marie and the band took the flowers on their owns.

Then Marie walked a bit around on stage as if she was looking for somebody to give her flowers to in the crowd. The fans who shouted “We love you, Marie!” thought that she was probably looking for them to give them her flowers. But unfortunately they were no longer standing there. Then the musicians left the stage and we left the Schleyerhalle.

After the concert we tried to meet Marie and the band at the car park where their tourbus was standing. Unfortunately the security didn’t let us go closer to the bus, so we had to wait at the entry of the car park. Suddenly we spotted Clarence and Pelle in front of their tourbus and after the fans had screamed and waved they came to us for a few minutes and signed things and took photos with us. Then they were asked whether it was also possible to meet Marie quickly, but they said they didn’t think so. So I gave my presents for Marie to Pelle to give them to Marie. I would have preferred to give them personally to Marie, but at least I didn’t have to carry them home again and she (hopefully) got them. So I’ll keep on dreaming about a meeting with Marie once in my life!

Anyway it was such a great evening I’ll surely never forget! THANK YOU SO MUCH ROXETTE!!! Love you guys!

YouTube clips:


Media reports/reviews:

Stuttgarter Nachrichten

Room Service Tour 2001

Room Service Tour 2001.

Live in Munich, Germany on September 28, 2001 at Olympiahalle (9,592 spectators)

Live in Stuttgart, Germany on October 1, 2001 at Schleyerhalle (6,529 spectators)
Sweepi: I have something from Stuttgart 2001, but then it’s only those 3 tracks (the intro + “Crush On You” + “Dressed For Success”) which were broadcast on German TV and made available by RoxBytes.

Live in Oberhausen, Germany on October 2, 2001 at Arena (4,975 spectators)
Part 2
Source: previously available from RoxBytes

Live In Kiel, Germany on October 5, 2001 at Ostseehalle (3,895 spectators)

Live in Leipzig, Germany on October 6, 2001 at Messehalle (8,367 spectators)

Live in Prague, Czech Republic on October 9, 2001 at Paegas Arena (6,252 spectators)

Live in Brussels, Belgium on October 22, 2001 at Forest National (8,503 spectators)
Sweepi: It was originally broadcasted by Belgian radio, 7 tracks plus 2 interviews by Marie in Belgium.

Live in Barcelona, Spain on October 24, 2001 at Palau San Jordi (7,262 spectators) EXCELLENT QUALITY (soundboard)
Part 2

Live in Dortmund, Germany on October 28, 2001 at Westfalenhalle (5,646 spectators)

Live in Frankfurt, Germany on October 30, 2001 at Festhalle (6,296 spectators)

Live in Vienna, Austria on November 2, 2001 at Stadthalle (4,728 spectators)

Live in Moscow, Russia on November 7, 2001 at Olimpiiski (12,900 spectators)
Part 2

Live in Stockholm, Sweden on November 16, 2001 at Globen (14.289 spectators)

Live in Gothenburg, Sweden on November 17, 2001 at Scandinavium (10,690 spectators)

If you have more concerts from that tour, please upload them on SendSpace or Rapidshare and share with us!

Thanks to Roxmarie, sweepi, bianca, Raëlian, @ R2R.

Live from Helsinki & Stuttgart

Live in Helsinki, Finland, September 4, 1991 (Join the Joyride! tour premiere):
Fading like a flower (TV broadcast)

Live in Stuttgart, Germany, October 22, 1994 (bootleg):
Sleeping in my car
Almost unreal
So you wanna be a rock’n’roll star?
Listen to your heart
The first girl on the moon
Harleys and Indians (Rider in the sky) / Lies
The rain
I love the sound of crashing guitars
It must have been love
Fading like a flower

Dressed For Success, The Big L, Joyride, Spending My Time, Cry, The Look, Love Is All [Shine Your Light On Me] and Go To Sleep are still missing.

Thanks to esperominombre for uploading.